Jan 26, 2005 19:42
Friday, me and Lara went to Brno. Which would be cool, but the weather went crazy. lara wanted too see her colleage, "MU" ( for some odd reason I think it's really funny ). Hearing that only the best can go there she bought books of scio tests and now she keeps studying social science.
Anyways, Friday was too long, I caught some flu and I'm home and just today I'm able to write. Roslana is here with me, she just came home from Ukraine. She was wrapped in long orange scarf, had cute oragne hat and first thing she told me: "never trust Russians, dear". Anyways, she found her big love in streets of Kyjev and brought him to Prague. Haven't seen him yet, but I presume he's... well, Eastern Slavic type.
Well, with Roslana I was watching old re-runs of M*A*S*H. This one was really sad. Hearing that another 31 American soldiers died in Iraq today only proved pointlessness of every war.
Whatever. There's people dying in pointless action every day.
Yet, another list. Ros, is too happy and hyper and wants me to catch some of her mood.
Great books, by Roslana Miostewitz, commented by me, Emily Adriana Catt
R- bible of conspiracy theorists. Book which proved poinlessness of USSR's socialism long time before the Berlin Wall fell. Well, long time before they even build that wall. But whatever. If they're watching you and deny you chocolate, when rats are closer than they seem it's too bad. And love won't save you, for this is no soap.
E- if you believe in Big Brother or not, you should read this book. it's a must.
Princess Diary series:
R- might be lame, but cute. Princessess GO. Plus full of witty comments against Republicans.
E- and Anti-Americans as well. Thanks Meg. Though Mia is too whiny sometimes she still stands for what America's youngs should be.
Harry Potter:
R- so sue me, I read 'em all!!!
E- yeth. cannot wait to read the 6th one.
Girl's Education in the C.R.
R- witty book of one unequal love. Full of smart quotes and cute jokes. Still carries story of a tragedy. Funnily enough, I didn't feel sorry for poor Beata who was so long searching for the truth that she commited suicide.
E- Michal Viewegh is Czech classic. A must for seniors. And for everybody else.
Victory Arch-
R- Remarque, that's classic. This book is full of prostitutes, drinking, sex, vendetta... All in pre-war Paris.
E- no one portraits war like this German pacifist.
Fahrenheit 451
R- futurama. see, communism=evil. Repeat kids!!!
E- well, America never communist will be. Books might be burn, real might on other parts be, as living with lame entraiment part of everyday reality is ( to be ). Okay, in normal language, too real. Just don't know why does America start wars just for the fun of it.
R- cause men do no die in wars.
sorry for long boring entry. I might die soon anyways.