I'll Be Your Huckleberry

Oct 19, 2003 11:44

Hey! Well I really haven't gotten to leave one of those 'so called' real updates so I had some extra time today so I thought that I would leave one*

..*Friday I went to school and was havin a pretty good day then in Gym it all went downhill from there!! Well we dressed out and then ran for like 2 minutes then we went back downstairs and changed then Sarah and I decided that we were gonna play checkers so after she beat me twice We were just sittin down cleanin up and I got hit in the head w/ a volleyball really hard!! It sucked* Well for the rest of the day I had a BAD headache! Then in like the last 5 minutes of lunch BrittG,BrittD,and I just basically got swamped by football players! They were all around us and we really didn't realize it til bout 5 minutes after they were there! We were kinda just in our own lil world! During the last 5 minutes of school we had like the fastest peprally known to man lol! Then after school I went outside and waited on the bus then went home! When I got home I took me some Tylenol cause my headache hadn't gone away and went to sleep! I woke up around 5:15 and Dad was home! Well we decided not to go to the game cause he had some work to do and I still wasn't feelin to wonderful! Well Dad just kinda worked around the house and I just layed on the couch! Then @ bout 9 summin he took me up to my Uncle Rick's house to spend the nite* I had fun*

Saturday; I got up @ bout 10 and just layed around and whatched some TV then @ bout 2:30 Dad came up and got me and then I came home and got on here and whatched some TV* After that I got on here and downloaded some music!* Then @ about 9 I took a bath in our 'Jacuzzi' tub and then I whatched some TV then I "hit the hay"

*Today I got up and ate some breakfast then my cousin Mendy and my Aunt Linda came up and they brought Mendy's lil girls Hannah and Hailey! Well they played w/ the cat and just hung out* They just left and this is about all i can think of to put in here*

Where I have all my comments gone? I barely get ne any more! Leave me some!

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