(no subject)

Feb 17, 2005 08:12

Mikey on bicycles: "I named mine pegisis because it flies down the sidewalk like a mythological creature."

I love Mikey. He always has amusing things to say. *nods*

So I guess I'll give a real update.

I haven't really had time for myself lately, and that blows. All weekend I was helping Bob get ready to go to Iraq and running David around where he needs to go. Then I've been trying to clean house, run errands and having to babysit on top of everything. I haven't been able to just sit down and be lazy. I know some people thrive off of constantly being busy but I am not one such person. I need time to myself to crochet and watch my soap opera. When I do finally get to sit down a million and a half people call me, thus making me miss my soap. And I should feel happy about today because I only have to babysit for an hour because I have my Dr.'s appointment and I get to hang out with Heather. But inbetween all that I need to pick up the house, finish a couple loads of laundry and pick up David from work.
I'm really begining to wish he had his license back and we had another car. Taking an hour out of my day to drop him off at work is really starting to wear thin. I don't know how I didn't it before. And I'm getting a max of 4-5 hrs of sleep at night. I'm just wondering when I'm finally going to break down and pass out from all the exhaustion.

Besides all that, David and I are adjusting to being around each other again. He gets mad at me over stupid little things and vice versa. It seems like he's lost his brain half the time. He can't remember what he doing or going to do. Half the time he stops mid sentence and forgets what he was going to say. I mean, it's like REALLY bad. He's going to see a Dr. about it sometime soon I guess.

The doggies are fine, the cat is still annoying, my computer is dead and my house is really and truly messy for once.

Yup, life has officially turned itself upside down. And it's time to get used to it because I don't see too much of it changing any time soon. Not that the change is HORRIBLE. Just something I need to adjust to because I totally wasn't ready for it.

Anyhow, sorry I'm so bad keeping in touch my dear friends. I'm attempting at getting better. :)

Oh, and Happy Birthday Hilary. If you even read this. <3
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