
Feb 27, 2007 08:16

This semester is almost half-way over. I'll be so happy once Spring Break gets here so I can finally take our Christmas decorations down for one and two, help my Grandma out with some cleaning things. lol...Only at the Lanham household would the Xmas stuff still be up in March. Those who know me pretty well and know my mom know what I mean...

My classes are not incredibly hard, just time-consuming. For some reason, I keep underestimating how much time I need to read my indigenist literature in my 400-level Spanish class...For my last test, I read and read...and then only have 20 more pages to read, but I had to study the lecture part for my exam! How depressing...Our next book is Los Rios Profundos by Arguedas and I hope to get started on it today since I have 100 pages due by THursday night. In Chemistry, it's getting tough, but not too hard. I'm STILL not sure if Nursing is the right path for me...If I can just get through Chem and then do well in Anatomy next fall, I'll feel a lot better. Science I'm good at...Math and Chem, no.

I can't believe I'm graduating this December in Spanish. It seems like I just started. I changed my major in 2004 and ...well, now three years later. I guess it's time. I've really enjoyed getting this degree...I have fallen in Spanish just like my mom. Speaking of her, she's decided that she's leaving Pinson when my sister graduates. According to her, Pinson has gotten 'too ghetto' and she doesn't feel safe anymore. I continually tell her to lock her classroom door. One of the sheriffs came to give the teachers a lesson on what should happen if a shooting occured and he said, 'I'll step over your body to get to the shooter." OK...I'm pretty sure Pinson is about least for this family.

My love life has officially become non-existent. I was trying to make something work with someone, but it just didn't. I also had friends/relatives tell me to kick him to the curb, but I kept ignoring them. I guess I just finally did it and I haven't looked back since. So Valentine's Day was just great for me as you can imagine, as it's always been. I really didn't care about it because I had a midterm the next day...but I did try to remind my family and friends that I cared for them. That seemed to make me feel more 'in the spirit'

I'm looking for a job to start this summer in a hospital as some kind of assistant or secretary...just to get in the hospital atmosphere. Preferably a job where I could practice my Spanish and learn things for Nursing school at the same time. I'm thinking MCE is my best choice since it's closer to home, but I'd really be better off working in the Ham because of the Latino population. We'll see...

Maybe I'll just decide to forget all the nursing stuff and get a Master's in Spanish...*sigh* being young is hard...too many decisions
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