What a day what a day what a day

Mar 26, 2004 15:42

Today, I had to be at my in-laws at 1 so that I could be at work by 2.. Well, I figured I would leave my house at about 11:30 so that I could go to the WalMart on 23/VanDyke and buy my diapers and formula.. So, Im driving and Matthew is sleeping and all is well, and I stop at the nice traffic light at 18/VanDyke and look in my rear view mirror (as I always do at traffic lights to make sure nobody is going to hit me) and I watch as the car in back of me gets rear ended (he was fully stopped as well) and glass flew everywhere and then since he got rear ended, his car rearended my van.. Nobody got hurt, but it really scared Matthew and shook him up quite a bit, the poor guy. He already wasnt feeling so hot..
but, I am glad that nobody got hurt and that everyone involved was insured..

Then I get to work, and Diane (my sister-in-law and boss) told me that she is selling the store and already has an offer.. so, my job is gone in a matter of weeks.. It's okay though, because when I left Babies R Us, my boss there told me that I could come back anytime I wanted to, so until I find another job where I will have Wednesday nights and Sundays off for church, I will at least have some money coming in.

THEN.. my brother called me to tell me that he really needs Barry to work around the clock this weekend on his house because the renter wants to move in on Wednesday. This one, made me very discouraged. I havent seen Barry all week because he has been in Utah, and before he left for Utah, he was working at my brothers and at his Godfathers around the clock, and I just havent spent any time with him at all in like two weeks. He told me just last night that Sunday was our day, and that we would go to church and sunday school and then clean out some of the bad things in our house and then maybe go to Sunday evening church. I wish Barry could just tell my brother no, but my brother is paying him really good money and frankly, we need the money because it gets me closer to being able to stay home with Matthew. So, I'm just kinda bummed out. Barry isnt going to be home until midnight tonight. He was so looking forward to staying home all day tomorrow watching Matthew while I work, but now Matthew is going to have to get babysat (by who, I dont know yet) so that I can work at the store and Barry can work at John's rental house.
I just feel really really bad for Barry. He is running himself so thin and he's getting back so late tonight and BOOm, he has to go back to not getting any kind of a break. It makes me really sad.

So.. pray for him if you get a chance.. He is going to need it to not break down.. it has to be hard for him to have all these people needing things from him, and have a wife and an 11 month old nagging at him that we want to spend time with him.. but yet, I need time with my husband too.. It gets lonely when stuff like this happens.

oh well.

God bless you all.
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