Apr 29, 2007 07:55
i ♥ spring: for the flooding, and the warm sunny days when it's NOT flooding, and trees and flowers and loooong days, and the smell of campfires, and thinking about buying a new bathing suit, and my birthday (2 weeks!) and peepers.
I HATE spring: for the gorgeous weather, even a nice breeze on a cloudy day, keeping me from sleeping.
I have not properly slept in DAYS. even taking some tylenol pm is not working because i'm wide awake in the late afternoon. I attribute it all to the change in seasons.
I even had to miss out on chinese food by the pound on thursday. Missed you girls! but i FINALLY fell asleep around 4pm, and then after you called, Jo, it was after 6 by the time i slept again...so I had 3 hours of sleep and was SO UNPLEASANT at work. Cranky Cranky Bitch. It sucked. For me and for everyone around me, i'm sure.
SPEAKING of work, here's the news of the week: with the new dress code starting on June Whatever, they're going to crack down on piercings. And the only piercings allowed a spacer are tongues. Everyone else has to just take it out. Insert long ass rant about how much I ♥ my nose piercing and totally refuse to get rid of it after 5 years. I'm not over it yet. I may NEVER be over it. I hope I'm 60 with gray hair and a diamond in my nose. Because hopefully by then I can afford something real to put in my nose.
ANYWAY, I vehemently argued with Bill about it, and he told me he will look the other way if I wear a spacer but that if someone above him notices it and says something, then it has to go. That sounds fair. So I think I may also use cover up over the spacer to ensure that it's not noticeable.
AND the new code states NO TANK TOPS. Je m'excuse, but YOU TURN OFF THE AIR CONDITIONING AT NIGHT TO SAVE MONEY, YOU FUCKING BASTARDS. so it's about A MILLION degrees and we're doing physical LABOUR. I sweat my ass off and require tanks in the WINTER. So I plan to fight this too. It may involve wearing the nasty, polyester walmart polo on the hottest, humidest night and giving myself heatstroke to prove my point. or wearing t-shirts whose sleeves i can tie up like in high school gym class. voila! instant tank, yet not technically against dress code. It's amazing what a difference 4 inches of fabric can make. Seriously.
Well, my brother is an idiot and THAT'S a long story involving him getting arrested, but the upshot is that he's been driving my car to work and I've gotten to drive my mother's new car to work, and so I don't know if I can go back to Desert Storm. I mean, I love my car, but it's just not as nice. *tear*
I need dinner something fierce. So I'll end this here.
Later Days