Ok cars you did it so ill do it

Nov 18, 2004 23:07

My name is: Emily
-nicknames: Emmy, Emmy Sue, Legs, Snuggle Bunny (don't ask)
-sex: female
-birthday: Halloween 1984
-race: Caucasian
-star sign: Scorpio
-place of birth: Holdrege ne
-current residence: Grand Island ne
-hair color: brown
-eye color: green
-height: 6'1"
-writing hand: Right

-do you bite your nails: No
-can you roll your tongue: yup
-can you blow smoke rings: yuo
-Can you blow spit bubbles: yup
-can you cross your eyes: Yup
-tattoos and where: one on my... tummy? one on my back
-do you make your bed daily: its pointless, i work days chris works nights someone is always in it lol
-what’s sexiest on a guy: smile
-what’s sexiest on a girl: no thanks
-what utensils do you use eating pizza: Hands
-do you cook: lots


-how often do you brush your teeth: as many as i want
-do you shower/bathe: Yes
-how long do these showers last: 10-15 mins
-hair drying method: mostly blow dry
-do you swear: i try not to but i spen 11 hours a day with Lucky, that would make a nun swear
-do you pee in the shower: WHAT?
-what color is your bedroom: green and white
-do you use an alarm clock: have too
-name four things or people you're obsessed with? Clean underwear, Chris, Sleeping, Readying
What’s your favorite sleeping position: On my tummy
-do you sleepwalk: nope
-do you talk in your sleep: i dunno
-how about the light on: No


had sex: yup
watched bambi: yup
cried: um, when Grandpap was in the hospital again
read a book : tonight in the tub


is music important to you? yes
Do you sing: yes
In the shower: yes
what instruments do you play: ohmygosh, clarinet, bass, acoustic guitar, saxaphone, trombone, flugelbone, everything?????
what do you think of Eminem: um he was awesome when i was 16


pop music: not really
rock music: yea
punk music: yea
rap music: sometimes
hip-hop/RB: sorta
country: YUP!
jazz: sometimes
classical: always and forever
new age: NO!
indie: No
emo: yea


What do you notice first? eyes
Do you have a crush on anyone? not really i dont think i do? does chris count?
Easiest to talk to: carly, she listenes to all my babbles


Could you live without the computer? yea
What’s your favorite fruit?: cherries
What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: Emotional
Trust others way too easily? yah see i builit this wall and its a BIG WALL


Of times you have had your heart broken? 2 times that were really ouch
Of hearts you have broken? 2 and i still feel horrible
Of girls kissed? um... 3 or 4? but not nasty like!!!
Of boys kissed? ooooooooooh my gosh.... alot
Of drugs taken illegally? none
Of tight friends? 2
Of CD's owned? A lot
Of scars on my body? A lot


I know: i should get dressed soon
I want: tacos
I have: 2 stupid cats
I wish: I had some money
I hate: jerks
Fear: squirells and being alone or forgotten
I hear: M*A*S*H*
I ache: back
I care: about grandpap
I always: miss home
I dance: when im stupid drunk
I cry: as little as possible
I write: when i remembe
I confuse: chris, alot... sorry
I can usually be found: at work
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: yes, never let them take pictures!!!

-ARE YOU A...-

Wuss: No
Gang member: No
Daydreamer: sometimes
Alcoholic: No
Freak: no
Brat: No
Sarcastic: yea
Goody-goody: no
Angel: no
evil: no
Friend: yes
Shy: No
Adventurous: yes
Intelligent: sometimes


Your best feature [personality]: openness
Most annoying thing you do: GRARUARUARHRARGRGERG
Biggest mistake you've made this far: i'd rather not remember
Describe your personality in one word: SMRT
A smell that makes you smile: damp summer night
A city you'd like to visit: new york with lucky
A drink you order most often: diet coke
The music you prefer while alone: country
A TV show you watch regularly: King of the Hill
You live in: A house with Chris and my kitties and wilber the fish
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