Aug 12, 2005 00:05
Hmm, I haven't updated in a while. I usually don't feel like but eh, ill give it whirl...
I guess ill get rid of the formailities of my anger/disappointment first:
Recently I have been hearing and seeing things about certain people that just plain disappointed me. You know a lot of people claim that they are mature and or moral, but I think maturity and morality must be sickenly underated. For fucks sake, don't claim/preach to be one way and do things another, guess what that makes you...a hypocrite. I am not singling out anyone in particular, I am talking about a few people. I suppose I shouldn't really care or be empathetic its a moot is, after all, all quondam.
Anywho, to bigger and more promising things:
Im happy. I washed off the stains of that which is less desirable and counter-productive. I have a few close friends I would like to thank: S-bone, Goose, Leo, Miki, Ash, Rebekah, myself (of course) and especially to Carissa, whom I can just do the most spontaneous things with.
As for tomorrow: May the Lord in the heavens help me