if dreams were like lightning...

Jun 04, 2006 23:24

I was supposed to be done housesitting yesterday, but my aunt called to say I have to stay until Wednesday. Carol and Charlie were on a train going to the ariport and one stop away from check-in, someone stole Charlie's backpack. It contained his passport, wallet, camera (full of pictures from the past 4 weeks he's spent in Africa and Amsterdam), and various souveniers. So, because you can't really fly out of Europe without a passport, and they have a tendancy to be inefficient over there, they can't leave until Tuesday night, which gets them in Wednesday morning. I feel so bad for him! So I of course said I was happy to stay a few extra days.

I wrote a term paper for my ethnobiology class on vanilla, and (nerd alert) it was actually extremely interesting. Vanilla has a really awesome history and production process. It's the only species in the orchid family (which is the largest family of flowering plants) that produces a fruit. It takes almost a year and a half from time of bloom to having the vanilla bean ready for market. Also, every flower has to be hand pollinated because the only natural pollinator is a rare (and going on extinct) bee in Mexico. Anyway, I found it exciting.

My uncle asked me to transcribe a travel diary of his fathers, so I've been working on that and it is taking SO long. I've done about 110 pages so far.

Tomorrow I have a paper and Italian test due and then I'll be done with school work for the summer! I am so happy about that!

I'm going to Austria this summer.

My brother's getting married in less than a month!

I have so much to think about for next year. I could graduate after winter quarter, but my parents want me to stay through spring. But I'm thinking I could get a full time internship somewhere doing something, or what I am thinking about even more is going somewhere for that quarter... I just don't know where or why or what. And housing is another issue entirely.

I went out last night with Larisa to a bar that she works at and a 30-something wierd unattractive drunk guy (a regular, apparently) kept putting his arm around me and it was really gross.

I might finally get to hang out with Kevin tomorrow. I hope we do something magical and picture-worthy.
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