Nov 08, 2006 21:07
The weekend was a real slog. Good job H is a very good friend. I arrived in London late and got up to start the weekend's work at 7.30.a.m. Saturday morning. That's an unholy hour for me anytime - let alone the weekend. We started work proper at 8.30 a.m. and bar meals and the odd cuppa (maybe an hour and a half in total) we didn't stop until 10 p.m. I was completely out of it by that time having struggled through by relying on caffeine and painkillers to keep me going. The heinous cold-virus was made worse by the fact I spent most of the day sanding without a dust-mask and breathing in gloss fumes.
Sunday was a later start at 9.30 a.m but with less breaks. I worked through until 10 p.m. (still feeling ill) and then set off for the hour and 3/4 drive home. I was so bad Monday I had to be looked after. I really haven't been great since and hey, joy of joys, I have it all to do again this weekend, but this time I shall have to do it alone.
I'm off to bed to see if I can shake this off...
Hope everyone's feeling healthy!