
Apr 01, 2008 00:10

I should probably try to update more frequently because I realise that I'm terrible at remembering what I've done for the past week. Tsk tsk. Let's try for a brief summary, shall we?

Monday - I fasted! =D 9 days to bayar balik though. Mampos... Managed to finish watching "Papa to Musume". [Gakky x Shige] is DAMN FUNNY hahahaha. I nearly cried from laughing. But I ended up crying anyway, at the ending. Sweeeet (:

Tuesday - waffles with Ru. PISTACHIO ICE-CREAM SUCKS BALLS. but that apple pie flavour wasn't too bad (: I can shop with Ru best, I think. Because she'll go "Take that one. Try. That one also. Go go." She might as well help me buy my clothes right. YOU COACH-CARRYING TAI-TAI, YOU!
Just felt like saying that. Lol.

Friday - supper with a few of the FF colleagues from other branches. Lau Pa Sat. Erm. Many, many sticks of satay. A jug of beer. K that's all I can remember. Hahaha.

Saturday - excellent sales. i was sooo happy. anddd adam bought me j.co donuts after I finished work! THANK YOU! chanced upon EuniceChua sitting in the uber ulu starbucks at Tanglin so of course we had to catch up. Got home late, I think mum knew I wasn't really at work. Hahaha. I promise to be a good girl though.

I picked up a copy of i-weekly this morning, was FUCKING EXCITED to see Yamapi on the cover. Padahal I already have the chirashi of the Kurosagi movie seh. It's the same freaking picture. But anyway. They had lots of Jap entertainment thingiemiggums in the magazine, so OGURI SHUN (must type big big bold bold so that Ru will notice) was there too, plus Maki Horikita and Aragaki Yui! My favourites!

And then I kept on flipping and found... NEWS. The cover of the regular edition of "Taiyou no Namida" actually. I was like "WTF?!" in the train. Loud and clear for the entire carriage to hear. Well I was wearing my earphones so you can't really blame me. ANYWAY I started getting frantic about new fangirls. Oh man.

Good news is, Kurosagi the movie will be screened in Singapore in June! (: I'm really happy. And and I pre-ordered another NEWS single, hehee. I'm so fucking thrifty when it comes to buying stuff but when it comes to NEWS...... hmmm.

I'm mixing all my languages up. I think in English, swear in Hokkien, speak in Malay, sing in Japanese, greet customers in Chinese.
I think I'm having an identity crisis!

work, i don't know what i'm talking about, kurosagi, jyannis

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