First of all I would like to rant about not ordering NEWS' calendar. IT HAS A HOT PINK COLOUR THAT JUST SCREAMS "GET ME, I'M HAWT" PLUS THERE'S A HUGE-ASS POSTER OF THE BOYS ANDDD TEGOSHI LOOKS FUCKING PRETTY I CAN'T STAND IT. But he also looks too skinny and I'm worried if he's going to be like Kame. Frankly speaking, I'm not too fond of boys who look anorexic. As much as I like Kame, I think he should put on some weight. Sigh. That turtle. OMG I REALLY WANT THAT CALENDAR AFSKSHDFJKHFKJSHFKFHKJSH!
But anyway. KAT-TUN's calendar looks like I can actually use it without breaking my fangirl heart (although it already has broken my fangirl wallet) so, YAHOO! (: But I still want the NEWS calendar ): I wonder if they would still have it in stock in May; I could beg persuade CS to get it for me when he goes over then. I'm forcing asking him (nicely) to get me mags and singles too MUAHAHAHA. He is so going to regret this...
Right... In other news, JOHN CAME FOR TUTORIAL TODAY! *applause* (: Carmen Teriyaki and I rarely get to see him nowadays, mostly because he comes late for lectures and doesn't sit with us or we decide to skip lectures together hahaha. I miss 101, in a way, because we used to drag ourselves to tutorials after having lunch at the Quad. During tutorials John would sleep, Carmen would doodle hearts all over her paper and I would snort (when an innocent word has been slaughtered by the tutor's pronunciation).
Had lunch with Hwee Sia after school today. From Pioneer MRT to... AIRPORT. We went to POPEYE'S! And CANDY EMPIRE. Hahaha OMG it scares me how much I spend on junk food. Our tummies are satisfied (: I bought the cinnamon-flavoured Eclipse mints! Methinks John might like it. The mints are pink so I think Teriyaki will like it too! =D
Okay my ARASHI download is done, American Idol is coming up and so is Skip Beat. Will do my prayers now and stare at the idiot box for a couple of hours before I watch more nonsense on my laptop later. (ARASHI = nonsense)
PS: Love my new icons! (Sho and Yamapi were bumped off for Tegoshi and Junno. It can't be helped. LOL.)