Book Review Monday: The Power of Positive Thinkng

Jan 14, 2013 21:23

First I'm going to begin by saying it's freezing! I live in California and I'm not used to having 30 degree temps with wind!

On my 18th birthday a friend from my church gave me the book The Plwer of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. This book had changed his life. I loved it. I read it several times and then as the years went by it got boxed somewhere in a move. A few years ago I found it again and read it. I read it again the summer before I started my new teaching position. And now, at the beginning of 2013, 21 years after I first got it, I read it again. This time I went through the entire thing highlighting and marking important pages, something I hadn't done before. For some reason this book spoke even more to me this time around.

So what's so great about this boom? It gives you hope. It gives simple solutions to what ails us from anxiety to depression. Using affirmations and Bible verses, you can become positive. I've been doing 2 of the affirmations every morning and its made a I've difference. I have chronic pain and asthma. Most mornings Otis difficult to get out of bed. Saying these affirmations first thing has helped a lot.

I recommend this book for everyone to read. It will change your life.

Blessings upon you,

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

books, via ljapp, 50books, blessings

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