Jul 05, 2011 22:13
Well after being at the same school for 3 years I was bumped. :( This happened because they actually went through with the RIF process (Reduction in Force). I was in the years they were giving RIFs to, but I have two credentials: multiple subject and mild-to-moderate. At the hearing (which I was not invited to which now pisses me off because it caused the rumor mill at my school site to go nuts), it was determined that I would be moved to a different school to teacher RSP (Resource Specialist). Ironically I was placed at the school everyone wants to teach at with the best position in special education and I don't really want it. I'd much rather return to the school I was at teaching 1st grade with a team I like and a principal, Patrick, who is fabulous.
I tried for a transfer back. This required interviewing with the fabulous principal (you've seen him before...the bouncy guy in the picture with me at McDonalds). Well knowing Patrick like I do I know if he didn't want me he would have said something. Patrick has great integrity and honor...he doesn't play games with people. Instead when I first started asking about what might happen (before I was even told I was bumped) he told me how much I had grown as a teacher and how I found my niche in 1st grade, etc. Well after the interview which went just fine, I didn't hear anything for a few days. I decided to email HR and the response I got back made it sound like Patrick hadn't recommended me. The only way he wouldn't have recommended me is if HR would have told him that he couldn't recommend me. So unfortunately the bump sticks.
Patrick assured me from the beginning that I'd like the new school and the principal. She's friends with him which makes me feel a bit better. I traditionally don't work well with female bosses. So now it's a waiting game. I'm hoping to go and meet her and see the school the Monday before school starts. I also want to go by my old school and give Patrick a gift that I was saving in case I was moved to a different site.
Every few years the district will move principals around. It's been awhile since this happened. I'm praying that if I can't get back to my old school site for the 2012-2013 school year, that Patrick will be moved to the new site. I had often said after I was moved to my old site that if Patrick was ever moved I would follow him. He does things the same way I do...we are both very organized to the point of OCD when it comes to work (well I've seen pics of his house, I think he's just like that in general). We both put the students first and want to do whatever we can to help them. We go above and beyond our own hours...I bring work home all the time...I'm in early and leave late. Patrick has been known to go in at 5:45 and not leave until after 10pm. And we get along well. He's only a year older than me and we have a lot in common. In addition over the past 3 years I've dealt with a lot of family issues from my dad dying to the family business closing. No matter what was going on he was there to listen. He's the kind of person who will tell you to ask if you need anything and mean every word. My biggest fear was that we would lose touch if I moved, but so far that hasn't happened. And actually when I asked him if we could keep in touch when I first got notice that I was bumped he said "absolutely."