Nov 18, 2007 19:36
My dad is still in the hospital in rather immense pain, although the meds seem to be working again. Hopefully tomorrow his oncologist will be able to get him moved to the oncology floor and determine how they are going to treat the mass near his spine. My dad has great vitals so I'm thinking he can go under for surgery without a problem. I'm sure recovery will be hard, but anything is better than the pain he is in now. I saw him yesterday when he was feeling better. I'll probably go out again tomorrow. I'm trying to be careful because I've been sick and I don't want to pass on anything.
Today I cleaned two of the bathrooms at my parents house and dusted the downstairs and the upstairs hallway. I also went through all my old tutoring supplies and threw away a lot of old, dusty items. What's left is either going to be stored in the shed or given away to the Salvation Army. Tonight I got a stack of stuff from our house ready for the Salvation Army. We've got six boxes and five bags of stuff. I've definitely been into minimizing my stuff lately.
Thank you to everyone who's keeping my dad in your prayers :)