Assorted Thoughts

Jul 16, 2005 13:58

I'm anxious to get my thoughts down before they dissaparate!

Got to the Barnes & Nobles here in Florida around 6:30 and spent the most relaxing Harry Potter premier night of my life...I guess without friends and a costume and when you're all alone in a far off state you're more subdued. So basically I found a book, found a spot on an aisle which to my amusement turned out to be dedicated to tarot cards, divination and the like, and read from 7 to 11:50 (nope, didn't even hope up sooner...not even when they dramatically wheeled the books--in cardboard boxes, mind you--down the center aisle). I did break to call assorted friends in CO to rub in the fact that I was getting the book 2 hours earlier and I hopped up for coffee once (hello, caffeine!), but overall I was rather amazed that I was able to just sit and bide my time for that long without spontaneously combusting.

When I got back to the condo at about 12:30 I took some needed time to get comfy, get snacks and drinks set up next to me and then I happily took a call from greek_minx in which we squealed together and I read her the front inside cover, the chapter titles, and the first paragraph (she wasn't getting her book till the daylight hours). I then got down to some serious reading, in which I periodically ranted/squeed/disagreed with le bff (she's the Parv to my Lav).

Now on to the thought!

This will be in no special order.

*Now you can't peg me with being a crazy Snape obsessee who just wants to redeem him because I've really never liked him that much. Sexy? Not in my book. Kind at heart? No, a coniving *ahem*. However, at this point I am thoroughly unconvinced that he's evil. Seems too easy. And until I heard madlorivoldmort I'd never thought of this, but she's got a point; mightn't the begging Dumbledore did have been about Snape NOT blowing his cover? A kill-me-save-the-mission type deal.

*Did we all notice Slughorn calling Ron by different names? Especially that one time he called him Rupert? *raises an eyebrow*

*DISCLAIMER: I am still going strong in Fandom, no thoughts of leaving, most certainly am not abandoning ship (H/Hr!), so don't peg with me with one of those ship brats.

However, the shippy parts were what made this book dismal for me. It's not that R/Hr and H/G happened. I'm not stupid, I saw it coming. It was just that I had a hard time disconnecting myself from every fanfiction ever. I just kept feeling like I'd heard this same story over and over. It really wasn't too bad thought--I found the R/Hr tolerable and had a good chuckle at the different ploys for jealousy and what-not. What I really couldn't stand was the H/G. I've never been a Ginny hater. I always believed she'd flesh-out and was so happy when she started to in OoTP. However, the H/G parts never felt right to me. They really didn't. Again, I'm not being a catty shipper here. It just felt segment Harry would be practically lusting after her in his mind and then his obsession wouldn't be mentioned again for what felt like ages. It just seemed very hot/cold and bothered me.

Then there was this line that made me want to hurl:
"The monster in his chest purred..." (Page 289, American Edition)

I know it's probably petty, but whenever Jo mentioned "the monster" I just wanted to die. This was the writing I now typically refer to as pregnancy-writing. I've got to blame something.

*I was dismayed by a lack of closeness between the trio. Another reason, I think, the shippyness disagreed with me...Hermione wasn't comforting to Harry as often, which platonic or not is something I've always liked in their relationship. Even if they weren't fighting the three of them just seemed a tad closed off. I just kept wanting to prod them to go find one another for support and comfort or whatever was needed at the time because they were very seperate.

*The scene with Harry force-feeding Dumbledore the potion is heartbreaking.

*The dead bodies in the river? So poignant, so chilling, so perfectly haunting and creepy--I may not sleep cause of those suckers. Seriously, how can people read something that powerful and call these kiddy books?

*My heart is going out to Draco. Again, I'm not a huge Draco-redeemist, but really he seemed so defeated in this book. Like such a lost little kid. And man did I feel for "Cissy" at the beggining.

*This sort of goes in hand with the above but I loved how intimate the book felt. Right from the start I felt sucked in. It didn't start with Harry and we got a lot more perspective throughout the book than usual. It wasn't all Harry's thoughts (and yes I realize the books are called "Harry Potter" but it's still nice to get a different angle).

*I know I keep skipping back to shipping but I felt Page 283 (American Edition) was a nice little sum-up of pretty much everything the fandom's mulled over in regards to the problems R/Hr (or H/Hr) could bring about trio-wise.

";what if Ron and Hermione started going out together, then split up? Could their friendship survive it?....what if they didn't split up? that he was shut out for good?"

Glad Harry and I are on the same page. ;-)

*Ron/Lav? Priceless. If only I didn't ship Ron/Parvati so fervently--now I feel like her best friend has stolen her man.

*Ooo! Oo! *hops up and down* So, my OTP missed out in Book 6 and I had to deal with 2 ships I'm not fond of but...*drumroll*..Remus/Tonks! I was squeeing over this. It was my conselation prize. They're one of those ships I favor on the side of my OTP's.

*I was suprised, but not upset at how little time Jo spent covering Sirius's death. And, God, how pleased was I went right off the bat Harry showed a mature side when speaking with Dumbledore about Sirius.

*And to continue with above, I'm so proud of Harry. As it's been said, he's learned to stop hiding things and trust his closest friends. He's also really gotten in touch with himself. *Cough* Can we pretend that last part sounded more sophisticated?

*Didn't like Hermione's snooty-ness about Potions and the Prince simply because it seemed more like competition than concern for Harry. I felt like she was protecting her pride not him.

*Also was annoyed at Harry's Draco obsession for a while, even if it did pay off.

*Most of the bombshells haven't really made an impact on me yet--Snape the HBP? Dumbledore dead? The latter I've sort of expected since PS but I never thought he'd die at the hands of the former.

*Was a bit dissapointed by the lack of Evans info. Weren't we supposed to get more info about Lily's side this book? Where had a I heard that? And how will we ever get more info now with our number 1 Potter trivia benefactor dearly departed?

I think I need sleep now. It's been 28 hours. Will edit this to add more thoughts later. Comment at your leisure....I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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