Hey Lovelies,
I'm crazy excited thinking that in one weeks times I'll have read HBP. *good shivers* I can hardly contain my excitement.
Right now things are iffy, trip wise. We have a family reunion in Ybor city tonight and are due to go to the beach tomorrow until the 16th; however, the Dennis is making things rather crazy. (Ahem, my family's getting really annoyed with the HBP fueled Pottermania...everytime the news mentions Dennis [which is every other second] I yell Creevey). The reunion won't be cancelled but attendance is going to be so-so because of Dennis Creevey and traveling to the beach tomorrow (not to mention the ensuing week) could be difficult.
How are my Floridian Flisties holding up?
greek_minx: Email me if you get a chance (at AOL addy) as I'd love to share some info and hear your thoughts before I head off tomorrow. If you can't, no worries.
I'm probably going to be on quite a bit this afternoon (bored!) so please feel free to drop a comment and entertain me. Seems like things are really getting exciting--back cover of HBP? Did I see that right? It's hard for me to stay current with the news on this computer; tis very slow. Keep me updated, guys!
♥ to the flist.
Oh, and
silverbookworm? I read your post with the S word that I won't repeat and it's got me so anxious! I was pondering emailing you for more info and then the hurricane-weather shut down my computer. I took it as a sign just to wait. But goodness it's killing me! *wink*