Fic: "For Which I Have to Howl" Chapter One, Kurt/Blaine

May 30, 2011 01:00

Oh GOD, you guys. Don't judge me. D:

Title: For Which I Have to Howl -- (Part 1/5)
Author: emilianadarling
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine (Side pairings: Tina/Mike, Finn/Rachel, and Puck/Quinn. Highlight for spoiler pairings:unrequited Karofsky/Kurt, eventual sexual but non-romantic Puck/Kurt)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: One a chapter by chapter basis! Violence, ( Read more... )

i write too much porn, fanfic, kinkmeme, werewolfverse, glee, kurt/blaine

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emilianadarling May 30 2011, 10:48:51 UTC
Oh, honey, don't you even worry about me taking any of this the wrong way! Frankly, I'm stars and rainbows that you're taking the time to think about this fic so deeply! Ohmygod someone is thinking about something I wrote adugiwdknscokdhfknsdsdw. Also, the issue that you address is actually something that I've put an absurd amount of thought into. (However, it is a bit of a spoiler -- but I'll respond anyways, since you've put so much consideration into this. :D)

I shall attempt to address your points (mostly) in the order in which they appeared!

1.) The size of your comment FOR THE WIN :D :D :D. Oh my god, I saw this and went HOLY CRAP HURRAH SOMEONE LIKES ME.

2.) Yes, there certainly have been werewolf fics coming out the in bucket load from the kinkmeme lately! I find that certain kinks kinda come in waves. Kitty!people, tentacles, CanniBlaine... someone has an idea, and then everyone gets on the bandwagon. XD In this case, I am too! It's honestly nothing that I would usually write, so I'm just pleased as punch that people are interested in reading it.

3.) I'm so glad that the shift from werewolves-as-ordinary to werewolves-as-outcasts worked for you. Because as helpful a storytelling device as the first may be, I really feel that it's a bit incongruous with the entire concept of werewolves. (Oh my god, I'm having a serious discussion about werewolves WHO AM I?)In my own mind, at least, these are tormented individuals whose lives are completely ripped apart and have to experience the most excruciating, unknowable pain like clockwork. They turn into uncontrollable beasts once a month. This just doesn't scream "Oh, yeah, totally accepted within society" to me. I'm so happy it works for you, too!

4.) As much as the prompt inspired me, virgin!Kurt just was NOT going to work with my vision of him in this story. It was the first thing that I was like, "Woops, gonna have to change that around, sorry dude." To say I'm not really into healing!cock would be a massive understatement, lol. And I'm pleased that you enjoyed the sexy bit at the end! <3 The next one will be a little bit less "holy shit it's the full moon, ohmygod HORMONES" and thus will be a little less frantic.

5.) Spoilers! As it so happens, the Puck elements that you are concerned about are actually the entire reason I got this massive plot bunny from the prompt -- but probably not in the way you're thinking. I read the prompt and thought, "This is an interesting idea, but I can't see how this could be pulled off so that X event is both a logical and acceptable outcome. Also, I am a bit squicked." And then it hit me. Ideas, scenarios -- a world being built up around this event so that it is a reasonable and sensible outcome because of the dynamics and situation involved. I went HOLY CRAP WHAT and started outlining, and here we are. I don't want to give away super much, but the scene in question is FIRMLY shifted from non-con to dub-con, just so that you know now, and the dub is due to reasons that I hope you will find far less squick-worthy.

WHEW. Pardon my novel-length response -- I just wanted to address as many points as possible, especially the one that concerned you the most. In any case, duckie, feel free to respond -- and ALWAYS feel free to raise questions or worried concerns about my fic. I will never respond with OMG RAGE, so you never have to worry about that. <3

Thank you SO MUCH for taking the time to comment, and for putting so much thought into this thing! <3 <3 You are a complete star.


wanna_be_happy1 May 30 2011, 19:55:33 UTC
Alright, so here's me replying to your monster of a reply (haha). I really, really love this fic, as I mentioned before, and I like that everyone exists sort of as outcasts from society. That being said, however, one thing that I'd love for you to expand upon (even if only mentioned in passing) is how Blaine and Kurt met, and how the whole pack came to be. At first, I thought it was the same old same old ND gang, but then I kind of thought about how bizarre it was that they'd all end up werewolves, so it made sense that maybe they didn't all go to school together. I figured they must have been turned at different times and come together as a pack at different times. Also, do Burt and Carole actually know why Finn left? Do they realize that he's a werewolf, or did that fact get hidden. I sort of missed that. This is why I'd like you to help flesh out that area. I also really, really wanna learn how Kurt and Blaine met. I think you mentioned that Kurt has been with the pack longer than Blaine, which would make sense in parallel with the canon since Blaine appeared in s02, but I really wanna know if they just met upon Blaine's entrance into the pack, of if they met with Kurt not knowing that Blaine was a werewolf, or even if it was something cooler and more dramatic, like Blaine saving Kurt from a mugger or getting hit by a car! LOL. My mind is rife with action-packed drama waiting to unfold.

As for characterization, I was very surprised at first when Kurt described Karofsky as being a nice guy. Of course, this is AU, and you seen to have a soft spot for Dave, so it makes sense to me now. At the time, though, it was strange and bizarre. I like the idea, now, since it means we get nasty and kind Karofsky in the same package, just altered depending on the time of the month.

Also....and this may be a funny question, but why do Kurt and Blaine have to wait a whole month before they can mate? I assumed it was because of the moon cycles, but if it was the night before the full moon in this fic (or sometime close) then why couldn't they simply do it then? Does mating take a lot of preparation? I guess when they said "next month" all that I could think about was 'oooohhhh no, bad shit is gonna happen if they wait that long....uhg.' And of course, I imagine I won't be wrong. haha. You'll probably expand on that naturally, so I'll look forward to it in the next couple chapters.

Lastly...uh...hmm, what else what else...oh! This is kind of just me looking at small details and worrying over then, but whenever I read slash fics that involve demons/werewolves/whatever who have elongated or sharp fingernails I always wonder about anal preparation. *dies* I know this is totally knitpicking, but didn't you mention Blaine's nails were sharp enough to pierce skin at even the slightest pressure? How did he prepare Kurt then? Did Kurt prepare himself? Didn't seem that way...<.< Hmmm...

Well, there's some food for thought for ya. I hope I didn't ramble you ear off. I know I can do that sometimes and some authors in other fandoms have told me off for it once or twice. haha. Sometimes my word-babble crosses the line into offensive when I'm merely spewing my opinion. Not everyone needs to hear how much their fics suck!!! hahahaha. Anywho, looking forward to what you write next. Cheers!!


emilianadarling May 30 2011, 20:18:46 UTC
You DID put a lot of thought into this, love! <3 I'll try to make this comment a bit shorter.

We're going to be seeing a bit more about how Kurt, Finn, Blaine, and (to some extent, kinda?) Dave join up, but for the most part the rest of the pack is left to imagination. (I have SO MUCH of this world plotted out, but it just doesn't work to fit everything that I'd like to in the narrative, so I shall have to infodump here a bit.) These characters are not all the same age, nor do they age normally. The transformation process, while SHITTY AND AWFUL, does mostly restore them to good health when they get returned to being human -- thus Finn's healed calf in this chapter. They age, but differently. These characters do not all know each other from before, but were turned at different times in different places. They've all come together through a variety of circumstances that it would take me another fic to write, haha. But just imagine a big, confusing addition and subtraction of people from this group. Like, in my head Matt Rutherford is a wolf who came and joined the pack for a while, but left to join another one at some point in the past.

The Burt and Carole aspect will be a little bit expanded on in Chapter 3, I believe? But in case it isn't as much as you like: they know their son isn't human anymore. They know they can't visit him. But I shall leave the rest for later, and you can ask more questions then if you need to!

The whole "Dave is nice!" is going to be (kinda) explained in Chapter 3, so I shan't say too much. If you still have questions after that, I shall happily answer them!

You're completely right in that it has to do with moon cycles and absurdly good timing. Also, preparation. Mating has to be done at moonrise on the day before the full moon, but here it's already risen a few hours ago. So it just wouldn't work. Also, mating between humans and wolves? Is pretty rare. They need to do some research to see what to expect, how to be safe. (Don't want to expand on this too much, as it gets discussed more later. OHGOD I AM A BROKEN RECORD.) Also, Kurt has to tell his parents, which he wants to do first instead of being all OHAI THERE GUESS WHAT. :D? :D?

Don't worry about the nitpicks! In this instance, the claws -- much like the eyes, that were more yellow and then less yellow and then more yellow again -- are still somewhat under Blaine's control at this point. Like barring teeth, or cat's claws. (By the actual day of the full moon? Those claws are there all day, man. No sex on full moon days.) At that point in the story, it was SEXY TIEMS AHOY and thus his body was like, "Ah, I see you probably don't want to eviscerate the person you're banging. I'LL JUST HAVE THESE RETRACT A LITTLE, SHALL I?" But I didn't make that very clear, so maybe I'll add a throwaway line. Because, no. No anal slicing. D:


emilianadarling May 30 2011, 20:24:45 UTC

If you want a clue to your Dave question, as to why he's been very nice to Kurt since he arrived:

It has to do with scents.


wanna_be_happy1 May 30 2011, 22:25:55 UTC
Huh...yeah, it probably *would* be a good idea if Kurt mentioned to his parents that he was gonna mate a werewolf. haha. The way you take these things into account really highlights how many loopholes the werewolf genre has in this fandom. We often think that as soon as they choose to mate that they can do it THAT INSTANT without any further thought or planning, or that their actions only affect themselves and are only important in the immediate present.

Also, that mating between werewolves and humans is rare? Another thing I didn't take into account, but it makes complete sense. They need to know about any side effects, either physical of mental. Plus they need to know if Kurt is suddenly gonna start having morning sickness in a couple months....LOL DID I JUST GO THERE OH YES I DID. MPREG?? WHAT'S THAT??...ahem. Not that it's a bad thing...per say...(///O_o///)


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