Twitter-Sations, What I'm Working On, and Glee Squeeing

May 01, 2011 17:29

AHAHA so I finally found time to share this with you guys. There's been some wonky real-life stuff lately -- including a recent wedding (yay!) as well as sadder events (boo!), so I haven't had too much time for actively engaging with fandom lately. (Instead, I've been binge-reading kinkmeme prompts. IT'S COMFORTING OKAY?) But here is a funny interaction from a while back:

SO: What happens when you mix The Chronicles of Narnia and Inception?

I've recently started trying out the twitters, and while I still suck at them, I am trying. Feel free to add me if you want random fandom stuff. Also flailing.

Emiliana, What Are You Working On Right Now?

Great question, self! Now, tomorrow is ELECTION DAY (:D :D :D), so I will probably be too busy crying/celebrating to get started on much of anything until the results are in. But here are things that I have tentative plans for:

1.) I have the outline for the first sequel to " Waves Upon the Shore" all plotted out right now, and I've been wanting to actually start the writing process. (I also have an idea for a little companion piece, but that's all in my head at the moment.) There will be, erm. A great deal of sexiness. Eheheheh.

(Also, what do you guys think about a podfic for "Waves Upon the Shore" itself? Anyone interested? I'm also lined up to record a few more of Trojie and Bridget's Narnia stories soon-ish, but people want a WoS pod I could probably whip one up.)

2.) All the audio for " Where The Wild Things Are" is recorded, and I'm just steeling myself for the long editing process. That should be up within a week or so.

3.) I have some SERIOUS Jealous!Blaine plot bunnies going on right now. However, I have two ideas for stories that could not be more different.

The first would be Blaine POV, and super 'raw, back off Kurt!' sexy tiems with the possessiveness and the mmmm. (Because I do LOVE KLAINE you guys, even if I only ever write Karofsky stuff. What is wrong with me I don't even.) The second would be Kurt POV, and full of the angsts. Much more relationship dissect-y, clingy!Blaine, uncomfortableness. I want to write them both, but I feel I only have it in me to write the one. D: HELP.

Also, Glee people: Let's talk about Chris Colfer in "Born This Way".

I -- I don't even -- I mean, Chris is cute, and obviously nerdy and cool, but I've never looked at him before and thought "damn, that boy is hot". He's very pretty and clearly gorgeous, but I've never before had a "nnnnngggggggggh' reaction.


OH MY GOD THAT NUMBER. (!!!!!!) His hair, and his clothes, and the dancing -- and his face, and -- oh my lord. The creepy eyes, and the loose arms, and. Oh my. How very, very attractive that boy was in this episode. HE GAVE ME FEELINGS, OKAY? Squiggly, squiggly feelings. :( Sorry, Chris Colfer.

For all of you non-Glee folks, this video -- mostly the beginning -- is what I'm refering to:

image Click to view

Nggggggggggggggggggggggh oh my goodness.

Anyways, love you guys!! <3 <3 Have a great day! I'm off to the gym so I can run in place while listening to porn.

i am insane, squee, glee, twitters, narnia/inception

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