Fanart! Two gorgeous pieces for "Until My Dying Breath"! Also, three GORGEOUS coverart manips!

Oct 13, 2011 22:49

You guys you guys you GUYS! :D This week has been a wonderfully productive time for talented artists, I see, because so many incredible people have made me gorgeous art!

Thank you SO much to everyone who did so; honestly, I squeal like a child every time this happens, and getting fanart just makes my day. Seeing my scenes come to life is just a treat beyond a treat, so thank you so very much.

"You don't have to feel this way, you know..." by Indie Arsonist (at LJ and Tumblr)

Oh. My.  God. This piece just rocks me to my core. It's just... it's perfect. Indie Arsonist so utterly captures the mood of the story with this single image, and it just makes my heart ACHE. I love all of the details included in here; Blaine's curly hair and pyjamas, Kurt being in his 'dream dinner' outfit (COMPLETE WITH POCKET WATCH AND A SCARF), Kurt having one hand stroking the door and the other scraping a nail down the frame. I just. AHHHHH!  Blaine's expression just breaks my heart, and Kurt's eyes. Oh my god, this is just incredible.

Vampire!Kurt Sketch by PornoPower

Oh my goodness. <3 This scene is from Chapter Two, when Kurt makes it back to Blaine's apartment and starts trying to get in. I LOVE this rendering for the way that it melds the sensuality and grotesqueness of Kurt's vampire character. The distended hands and fingers combined with that come-hither look? My GOD. He even has the smear of blood beside his mouth, I love it!!

Also, gleeaddicted made three fabulous coverart manups for my stories!! How completely lovely!

In order of posting:

Thank you so much to everyone for your absolutely stunning work! It means the world to me, and I horde these pieces like a miser. <3 Thank you!!

fanart, vampire!verse, werewolfverse, glee, my body betrays me

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