Fic: "What's Mine (Isn't Yours)" -- Part One. Kurt/Blaine, unrequited Kurt/Karofsky.

Sep 17, 2011 17:42

Woohoo!! I managed to get this one all finished up before the end of the hiatus!! *party party party* After this point, my Uni tends to pick up a lot, as well, so I'm pleased to have one last fandom hurrah before I get buried in textbooks.


Title: What's Mine (Isn't Yours)
Author: emilianadarling
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Kurt/Blaine, unrequited Kurt/Karofsky
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kurt/karofsky, fanfic, glee, kurt/blaine, fic

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cassidychase September 18 2011, 17:48:34 UTC
HO!! I love myself a possessive!Blaine, especially in this completely innocent, I-love-my-boyfriend-and-what-the-fuck-are-you-trying-to-do-Karofsky?! way, not the completely creepy manipulative way from Last of the Romantics.

They are all in character as usual, brilliant characterizations. Karofsky is being creepy a he usually is. The cafeteria wink and smirk has to that same one in The Substitute right? Even if it wasn't, that was the immediate creepy image that came to my head.

Blaine is being incredibly tame so far. I love how you have him fighting himself down from being possessive and jumping to conclusions, because Blaine is the kind of guy that will TRY to see the best in people I think, especially if Kurt semi-vouches for Karofsky's turn around by actually holding conversations with Karofsky(and calling him David on top of that).

I like your Blaine-centric stuff XD

Also, first read over at the part after the run and Karofsky's pun there? I was like "WOHO! @.@ Shit! Blaine is gonna be fucking PISSED!" I did expect a fight, or at least another shove incident like in NoN, but I get how Mike being there might have calmed/distracted Blaine a bit.


cassidychase September 18 2011, 17:50:33 UTC
And yes, honey, get well soon!! I saw your post on tumblr earlier and replied but forgot to ask how you were! Then the reply button disappeared so :/

Get well soon ok? And rest up. Watching the Emmy's later?


emilianadarling September 19 2011, 08:01:58 UTC
And thank you! *curls up on the couch pathetically* I'm a bit of a coughing mess right now, which made it impossible for me to do the podfic of Chapter Five this weekend as I'd planned. :( Mr. Darling has been taking care of me, though. Force-feeling me gingerale and making dinner and not letting me drink coffee because "the caffeine will dehydrate you, 'Miliana, drink more water". <3

I will try my best to get well! I barely did any schoolwork all weekend, omg. D: I don't actually have television, so I just watched the reactions on tumblr. XD Did you watch, bb?


cassidychase September 19 2011, 11:14:40 UTC
Good to know you're being taken care of XD So sweet of him, but that IS to be expected right? XD

And don't worry about the podfic right now, focus on getting better XD

I didn't watch the emmys live, was sleeping since it started at like 6/7 am here? Yea. Aww, you didn't see the live stream links on my tumblr? Mostly the red carpet I think, not sure what I reblogged XD

Sad that Chris didn't win, but there's always next year XD


emilianadarling September 19 2011, 07:59:07 UTC
Lol! Even as you said "I love possessive!Blaine", I was about to be all "ooh, than you must have liked Last of the Romantics at least a little bit!" XD I admit, though, that the two Blaines in this and that story? Aren't entirely different. There are definite shades of a darker Blaine here: by the end of the story, he's still thinking in terms of how to "keep" Kurt with him, even if it's more in terms of loving him and being honest than being underhanded. I definitely see Blaine as being a very strategic person who isn't very good at not getting what he wants. It doesn't make him a bad person in either of these stories -- I love Blaine above all because he has flaws, and they make him so human -- but yeah. There are definite shades of darker!Blaine here. :)

It always interests me, how differently people respond to Karofsky whenever I write him. Some people are very adamant that he's being creepy, while others feel sorry for him. It makes me happy to get so many different responses. <3 And yes, the wink is from The Substitute. Dave only has so many tricks in his bag, lol!

By the end of Season Two, Kurt and Karofsky are on definite kinda-friendly terms -- which was what made me want to write this most of all, because how would Blaine react? I'm glad you enjoyed how hard he tried to shove it all down. Remaining composed and in-control is so important for Blaine bb, but when it comes to Kurt... well. His priorities get a little skewed. And oh my gosh, I'm SO happy you like my Blaine-centric stuff! <3 I love my Blaine bb and all of his amazing faults. They are what make him so much fun to write!

And oh, man, I'm so happy you liked that particular line, because it is the line that I was super especially happy about. Like... I think a pun like that would get to most people. VERY underhanded. Oh, Karofsky, you wordsmith. ;D

Thank you so much for the lovely individual reviews, bb!!


cassidychase September 19 2011, 09:07:58 UTC
I did leave comments for LOTR, did you see them?? Pretty long as my comments tend to get whenever I'm reading your epic, amazing fics XD

While they may not be entirely different Blaines (btw stories), this Blaine is still a heck of a lot more considerate and less manipulative than LOTR Blaine. There's a major difference between entertaining such thoughts and actually acting on them, or worse, exploiting them @.@

Sigh, just brilliant as usual. XD


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