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amordemealma September 8 2011, 20:10:08 UTC
Oh, stoned Kurt is afraid of the dark, that's kind of cute. :D

The door’s closed, that makes it okay,” says Blaine, matter-of-fact LOL! oh Blainers, just because the door is closed does not make it okay, but i love how you think it is...and Kurt, just going with it. again, I'm stuck with the whole, people doing things and believing things they necessarily wouldn't if sober. though i think it's more...not that they don't want to,, their inhibitions just kind of...melt away. which to a certain degree i can understand.

and Blaine's 'oh my god yay' thing. made him sound so completely gay in my head. like sometimes Blaine can come off as relatively straight, but then on the show he'll do something or say something which makes me go, oh bb, you're so gay. like in prom queen when Blaine asks Burt if that was a designer. that's kind of how Blaine sounded in my head at that moment.

It shouldn’t still be like this, Kurt thinks. They’ve been seeing one another at least partly naked for months, and entirely naked for a few weeks now. It shouldn’t still be so exciting, seeing exposed lengths of skin on display, free to touch and taste and do whatever they like because they’re one another’s and they can.

I love this, but...I don't think that they necessarily need drugs to give them that oh my god you're still so hot with just a little skin showing because well, if you love someone, honestly i don't think it matter's how often you've seen them naked. it's still going to be so new and fresh, and oh my god amazing. for me at least, it's not something that gets common placed.

It had been awkward, and had taken far too long because the only real things Kurt could think had been oh, god, my boyfriend has his mouth on my dick and please don’t let them hear us please please please please please

Oh my god yes! just yes! because i can relate to something similar far too well!

Someone is muttering nonsense streams of words into the air, sounding choked off and desperate, and it takes Kurt far too long to realize that the room’s only other occupant has a very busy mouth just now. The voice sounds high and clear and broken in the air, and oh god, and the words must be coming from him.

hehehe! oh Kurt. I love Kurt's lack of a filter in this and just babbling because it's basically all he can do. Blaine is doing this incredible number on him and his ability to control his words is lessened, and oh god this shouldn't be that hot but it really, really is. wow.

and Blaine swallowing. UNF! i just can't bb. it annoyed me at first that Blaine didn't even properly warn the poor guy, but well Blaine just took it in spades, and dear lord that was just too hot for words.


amordemealma September 8 2011, 20:11:08 UTC
Compromise, and Blaine doesn’t wind up fawning over anything that moves. It’s a win-win situation. hahaha!

Poor Mercedes. i like how you handled the whole Sam leaving thing. Kurt better get his head together and put two and two together and go comfort his best friend though!

and props for the Rachel/Quinn/Finn fight. i love it.

okay and doing pot with some of new directions? fabulous!

and i love the surprise of the gang over Kurt and Blaine having smoked. some people come across more innocent than others(I'm definitely one of them) and it makes complete sense that they would all assume that Kurt is squeaky clean when it comes to this.

and oh, Brittney, she can be so dense, but really completely observant at the same time. I love that she's the first one to put two and two together.

um..couple of typos if you don't mind me pointing out...

Kurt can see Blaine’s phone going off in his pocket his boyfriend doesn’t answer write away so as to not give the game away. should be right instead of write


Hi eyes water a bit with the strain of it, but he smiles as he looks Lauren in the eye. Hi should be his.

and i love Lauren here. i see what you did girl. blackmailing them to stay and join because she doesn't quite believe that they have. very tricky my dear.

and oh Puck. How i love you. I think you hit the nail on the head here. Puck, while he still see's himself as a bad ass truly is sorry for everything he's done to Kurt.

Gay one and gay two! hahahahaha! oh emiliana. I'll never be able to read doctor Suess the same way ever again!

and Santana picturing them as ken dolls is priceless.

Blaine would be an exhibitionist wouldn't he? that whole performer has to be in the spotlight thing? totally makes sense to me.

and that kiss...

that was hot.


emilianadarling September 9 2011, 07:22:01 UTC

And oh, Mercedes. :( I really hope the show deals with Sam's departure in a slightly realistic way -- or at least mentions it at all!! If not, I will be an angry panda. scared to death of Doctor Seuss. Seriously, his works legitimately frighten me. So I had a VERY hard time convincing myself to put that in there, but I forced myself to in the end because it seemed to perfectly Santana. I AM GLAD YOU LIKED IT BECAUSE I SUFFERED TO INCLUDE IT. XD

I love how you caught on to Blaine being a bit of an exhibitionist. <3 That seems so in character with him for me; he knows he shouldn't want to be public about his affection, but at the same time? He really, REALLY wants the whole world to see him with Kurt. And ahaha, so glad you enjoyed the kiss, lovely. <3

Thank you for the gorgeously detailed reviews, as always!!! You know how much I appreciate them. <3 Thank you again, darling!!


amordemealma September 9 2011, 08:17:43 UTC
scared of Dr. Suess? Seriously/ I mean it's Dr. Suess. what's so scary? i love Dr. Suess. he's like one of my favorite author's of all time. i still have large portions of Cat in the Hat and Green eggs and ham memorized. And, true story, Apparently i like to read him when high on pain killers. hehe. I'm sorry Dr. Suess scarred your childhood though. sadness.


emilianadarling September 10 2011, 11:36:34 UTC
I am so scared of his writing I cannot even. *hides* Like, it freaks me out to hear it spoken aloud or watch the films or even really think about Dr. Seuss at all. The books freaked me out SO much when I was a kid and that has never truly gone away. ;_____;

Oh my god, I know, I'm so weird. What is my brain.


pushplaytobegin September 11 2011, 01:43:33 UTC
Hail fellow Dr. Seuss lover! Dr. Seuss is responsible for my becoming a writer; I fell in love with his books as a child and knew I wanted to do that. )I drove from L.A. to San Diego to see the retrospective of his work when it was at the art museum there.) The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins was my favorite, but I don't have it memorized. What an amazing man.


emilianadarling September 9 2011, 07:15:20 UTC
Woo, baby! What a big comment, bb! I will try my best to answer all of it!

Ohmygosh, yes, stoned!Kurt is a bit scared of the dark. With good reason. True fact: sometimes when I'm high and it's dark and I'm outside, for some reason I stop believing that I exist because everything is so surreal.

It totally makes it okay!!! There's, like. A rule somewhere. If you're at someone's house with your significant other and you have the ability to close a door to your bedroom, you are totally allowed to have sex inside. *nodnodnod* I'm pretty sure it's in a houeguest rulebook or something. And it's definitely about lowered inhibitions, bb, you're so right. They're not doing something they don't want to do; it's just something they might be a little more cautious or hesitant about sober.

And heehee at your interpretation of the 'omg yay' line. <3 Oh, Blainers.

They definitely don't need the drugs at all. None of this is about 'needing' drugs to feel a certain way, darling. <3 Since this is a 5+1 fic, there is so much in between these scenes that we don't get to see. Them exploring one another, their bodies, what feels good -- all without any drugs at all. They don't need drugs to feel this way about one another; it just enhances things in a way that's fun to experience and share sometimes, is all. :) It's like bringing toys into the bedroom; just because you bring a vibrator or a plug in to play with sometimes, that doesn't mean that the sex is lacking. It's just a fun thing to do and share with one another every once and a while. :) I definitely want to be quite clear about that!!

And I'm very happy you liked the flashback to Kurt's room!!! XD Omg, I think almost everyone knows that feeling. <3

Why shouldn't it be hot? <3 I always find lack of verbal filters hot as hell, for sure! I'm so glad you enjoyed that aspect, because the boys certainly did! Kurt could barely control the words flying out of his mouth, poor dear. And it honestly never occurred to Kurt to warn Blaine about that. XD Very, very poor decorum, but fortunately Blaine's gag reflex was all fucked up from the pot. Also, he was totally into it. Lucky!! <3


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