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rainjoyswriting September 8 2011, 17:34:49 UTC
Oh yay, they are *so cute* when stoned, with the rambling and the touching and - I mean the touching specifically, I love how into each others hands they are in this - and the taste, *yes*. People do *not* write about taste enough, it is one of the *best senses*. Yes.

Also, this made me miss the Warblers like crazy, I miss them *so much*, and I lovelovelove the idea of them all sitting around getting high together in their dorky clueless way. Warblers ;_;

But mostly Kurt and Blaine being adorable and touchy and rambling and a little orally fixated. That, exactly. Thank you <3


emilianadarling September 9 2011, 05:37:09 UTC
Oh, hello, you! :) Fancy seeing you 'round these parts!

I'm so very pleased that you enjoyed this!! :D I'm completely delighted that you enjoyed this, darlin'! Tactile sensitivity and all. <3 I really wanted to convey the intricacies of the senses in this, for sure. And oh, my gosh, I'm so with you about taste. Taste is the best, isn't it the best? Tasting things really is incredible and awesome and excellent.

I miss the Warblers, too. :( Oh, those crazy boys!! Would they not have the single best dorky kinda-stoned parties ever?? I WOULD SO WANT TO ATTEND. Warblers :(

Again, I'm delighted you enjoyed this. <3 I'm not sure if you read the final part, but if so I hope you enjoyed it as well!


rainjoyswriting September 9 2011, 07:51:32 UTC
I did not even know there was a final part because I should not be allowed onto the internet with supervision, I basically get too excited like first day of nusery school and run around crazy-mad and then fall over. But I found it now! And read it with first-thing coffee, it was an awesome way to start the day. And:

(“Kurt. Kurt, I’ve forgotten how to walk like a real person. Is this normal? It feels weird.”

“Oh my god, Blaine, stop, you’re. Like. Shuffling. Just walk like you normally do.”

“I can’t remember how to walk like I normally do!”)

Just, like, oh my god, I love him *even more* when he's high, I know the odds are so against it but I *wish* Glee would do the pot smoking episode oh my god ;_;

Also they have lovely sex, they just always have such lovely sex. *sigh* Thank you for that. And for pointing out to me that there is *more*, you are so generous ;) Thank you!


rainjoyous September 14 2011, 14:55:39 UTC
Okay, just so you know? I keep coming back in my mind to revisit the scene of a circle of semi-stoned Warblers watching those two snuggle and shushing each other in case they ruin it and just feeling better about all of humanity, like, we're going to be okay guys, because we're capable of *this*!

So, yeah, it warmed my heart in the *best* way. Thank you <3


emilianadarling September 19 2011, 09:27:40 UTC
Gah! Your comment on "What's Mine (Isn't Yours)" made me remember that I still had another few comments of yours to respond to! Bad Emiliana!

Okay, for one thing I think it's adorable and lovely and amazing that you didn't realize there was a final part, and I'm very happy I happened to mention it. <3 Oh my gosh, you. Porn is always an excellent way to start the day, especially with coffee! And OH MY GOSH high!Blaine. I love high!Blaine, and his inability to walk like a normal human being. Oh, Blainers. <3 It's completely okay to love him even more when he's high, oh my gosh. I wish they would, too, but it would probably be ridiculous and awful and then I would be sad. XD

You're very welcome for their sexytimes, as well. ;) They do always seem to have such lovely sex, don't they? It will be a very big shock to fandom if Glee shows part of their first time and implies that it's *awful* or something, oh my god. XD

And THANK YOU for coming back to tell me about going over the scene with the Warblers in your mind. <3 Oh, my gosh, thank ( ... )


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