Podfic: "My Body Betrays Me", Chapter Four Part One: Kurt -- PODFIC! :D

Sep 01, 2011 23:50

Title: My Body Betrays Me (Chapter Four Part One: Kurt) PODFIC! (Link to original text here.)
Author: emilianadarling
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: non-con/dub-con Kurt/Karofsky, Kurt/Blaine
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Vaguely explained magic, non-con, dub-con, angst, awful situations, manipulation, crack prompt gone serious.
Length: 00:57:43 for this chapter
Intro/Outro ( Read more... )

kurt/karofsky, kinkmeme, glee, podfic, my body betrays me, kurt/blaine

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emilianadarling September 4 2011, 20:06:46 UTC
I'm going to try to respond to the key points, lovely!

-- I was wondering how your recent re-read of Chapter Four Part One was going to impact your listening of this, and I'm happy it was in a good way. The fact that you were hearing my voice in your head as you read it made me SO happy and proud, I can't even say! I hope real!Emiliana matched pretend!Emiliana's recording. :)

-- SO glad you like the song choice!! This is the only song so far that I have spent NO time angsting over, because I knew that if there could only be one song for Ch4Pt1, it had to be "Remains". No other options. It just... I feel that it fits disturbingly perfectly. (The singer is also one of the creators of Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog, random fact!) I'm so happy that the lyrics of the song impacted you, and that you felt they were appropriate.

-- Ooh, really happy the effects were okay in this one. I was quietly freaking out while posting it about the absurd amount of echo effect, but I felt that the chapter really needed it in order to be clear. Glad you felt it worked out!

-- Thank you so much about the character distinguishing. <3 I angst about that probably more than any other aspect of my podficcing, so it truly means so very much to me that you feel their voices are recognizable!! And that the emotions are coming across in the right way. The fact that it's coming through as it did in your head makes me so very happy, I cannot even say.

-- (Ngggggh, those new promo photos = hand porn, omg.)

-- So pleased that the flashbacks came out as horrifying as I was trying to convey them, darling. I really tried to go all out with Kurt's voice, because I cannot imagine a more horrifying thing than having your head messed with like that. When I was recording those lines, I had Mr. Darling really anxious in the other room because he hates hearing me sob and cry into a mic even if he knows it's just a performance. Poor boo. :(

-- Thank you for the repeated line! It has been removed, and the updated version is available for download. <3

-- *hugs you hard* Oh, sweetie. You always get so affected by these chapters, and it makes you such a trooper to listen and write such gorgeous feedback every time. Thank you. <3 (That song makes me get choked up as well, oh my god. Maurissa Tancharoen, why are you so gorgeous and sad to listen to? ;_;) Again, thank you SO VERY MUCH for taking the time to do this, bb!!!!!


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