Glee friends and podfic friends! THIS POLL IS SRS BUSINESS

Aug 21, 2011 17:56

Okay, so this is purely theoretical at this point. But a very kind individual has commented that they would love to see a podfic of one of my epic-length Glee fics, and that really got me thinking.
Because it's a really, really big time commitment for either of them and last time I did a Glee podfic the response was so tiny and I don't think anyone cared, but. Well. I'm really starting to get tempted. I know that they're not everyone's cup of tea, but I love podfics.
So: If you could just have ONE, which would you prefer? A podfic of "For Which I Have to Howl", or a podfic of "My Body Betrays Me"? Please let me know!

ETA: Thank you all so much for voting! The first chapter of the "My Body Betrays Me" PODFIC (!!!!!) is available for download here. Please have a listen and let me know what you think!

werewolfverse, glee, podfic, my body betrays me

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