Twitters and Holiday!

Aug 04, 2011 22:58

Hallo, beauties! :D

This is mostly a post to let people know (since I think I had about two people checking this journal when I last announced this and it seems to be information to some) that I have a Twitter account!

Reasons You Should Totally Check It Out, Ya'll:

1. I always post it on twitter whenever a new chapter of anything comes out, so you can be ahead of the game!

2. I post updates as I work on stuff! So people don't have to worry that I've totally forgotten a story. A great way to go EMILIANA WHEN IS MORE COMING PRZ and have me respond in a timely fashion. :) Also, sometimes I ask for opinions on story things, too!

3. Number three is just filler.

4. So that any of you who are American can help me when I start frantically tweeting about whether "res" is  a common expression in the states or asking what year junior year is. I'm sorry, sometimes I just don't know, you guys, and I NEED YOUR HELP.

5. Sometimes I post sweet, sweet recs!

6. Number six is also filler.

7. I'm basically guaranteed to tweet you back if you tweet me because I'm a loser like that.

So, as you can see, there are at least seven totally legitimate and entirely factual reasons you should come and join me on the Twitters. :D It'll be fun, guys, I swear! Join me in the dark side!

On another note, I'm basically being the laziest lazy that was ever lazy on my three days of holiday so far! Today I basically lolled about in bed for ages, rolled out and worked on Chapter Four Part Two for a while, then rolled back into bed. IT WAS GLORIOUS.

I love you all, and thank you for putting up with my shameless plug! More of "Body" will be coming along as soon as possible. :D

i am insane, admin, twitters, just for fun

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