"My Body Betrays Me," Chapter One: Dave. Kurt/Karofsky, endgame Kurt/Blaine

Jun 25, 2011 14:14

Title: "My Body Betrays Me" (Chapter One: Dave)
Author: emilianadarling
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: non-con/dub-con Kurt/Karofsky, Kurt/Blaine
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Vaguely explained magic, non-con, dub-con, awful situations, manipulation, self-deluding, crack prompt gone serious.
Length: 8,500 for this chapter.
Spoilers: This is an AU, so not really.
Story Summary: ( Read more... )

i am insane, fic, fanfic, i write too much porn, kurt/karofsky, glee, my body betrays me, kurt/blaine

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emilianadarling June 26 2011, 20:05:02 UTC
You're so welcome, lovey! Your prompt was just so O____O-inspiringly fascinating that I basically had to write it. (I wasn't sure if I was going to post it on my proper journal for a while there, but I find fills so much easier to read on LJ than in the comments section of the meme!) And aha, I'm delighted that you enjoyed FWIHTH as well! <3

I hope you're okay with some of the little changes in mood that I've made. As you know from FWIHTH, I tend to tweak prompts a bit to fit the way I see the story going. I hope that is all right!! And I'm over the moon that you're enjoying this so far, bb! :D


smooshysushi June 25 2011, 22:52:54 UTC
You have to keep writing this. YOU HAVE TO. I'm addicted. It's such a fascinating concept, and you write it so well, and I gotta say I don't hate this version of Karofsky, which I usually do. So please, this is fantastic, please don't stop writing it!


emilianadarling June 26 2011, 20:31:36 UTC
Oh, thank you ever so much, love! I'm so pleased that you're... enjoying, is that the word...? this! And I'm definitely going to keep writing this. :) My friend from Korea is coming to stay for the next little bit, so I won't have as much chance to write as I usually do, but this fic won't leave me alone until it's done.

And is it strange that I'm glad you don't hate Karofsky? He's doing some really awful, atrocious things in this fic. But I didn't want him to come across as a soulless monster. Everyone is the hero of their own story, and I like my antagonists with a bit of conflict and issues mixed in. :) Thank you so much for taking the time to comment!!


smooshysushi June 26 2011, 20:59:48 UTC
I don't think Dave is a truly bad person, he's just misguided and very, very scared :) you write him perfectly, and I think an author has the right to be happy when a reader says they like a character most hate! :)


subitodolcediva June 25 2011, 23:59:14 UTC
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. I about died of happiness when I saw this little beauty attached to your name! First off, kudos to the OP for this prompt because it's brilliant. And of course, you are brilliant. I feel as though in each of your stories you manage to write the characters so close to canon despite whatever AU you've imagined for them. You have such an accurate, deep understanding of the characters, it always astounds me. This was absolutely flawless, even better than "FWIHTH" and you know how much I pinned after that story. I cannot wait for the chapter two and all the chapter to come. Oh and my feelings on the smut?

... )


emilianadarling June 27 2011, 09:59:25 UTC
Hallo again, bb!! :D It's wonderful to see you again! And never, ever worry about too many gifs, for there is NO SUCH THING. :D Both of these gems have been saved to my own computer. Wonderful!!

I'm delighted that you were excited to see my name attached to this! I was kinda terrified to post it, actually, considering the massive issues of consent involved. But I am glad that I did. :) The prompt was just so intriguing and horrifying at once, and it made those wheels go a-turning in my head. And I am delighted that you enjoy my characterizations here, even despite the massively different world! I love AUs for being able to explore the characters we know and love in a different setting, as you know from FWIHTH. <3 This is especially meaningful because this fic is full of so many awful, awful actions. Thank you so much!

You are just amazing, and wonderful, and making me smile so much. Thank you, hon! I hope to get the next chapter out in a sane amount of time!


just_water_kthx June 26 2011, 02:12:13 UTC
Holy crap! This was amazing :| Please don't feel weird that you wrote something a little disturbing! I like to think that these sorts of stories need to exist to remind us of our humanity and what is essentially right and what is wrong :P (Well that's what I tell myself so I can read them :D)

Omg poor Kurt. When I first started reading I was thinking "this is very OOC for Kurt... just allowing himself to be forced into a relationship that he clearly doesn't want". But it all makes sense now! I can't believe that Dave has no qualms about what he's doing :S I hope Blaine saves him - riding to the rescue like a Disney prince :D (Don't mind me over here.. :P)

Yes. Fabulous. Please update soon :)


emilianadarling June 29 2011, 08:12:57 UTC
Thank you so much!! :D I do feel a little bit strange about writing something so horrifying and awful, but I also... don't? My writing does always tend toward the angstier, harder route -- which is a bit strange, since I'm a generally happy and cheerful person, I think! -- but this is a little bit more extreme than I'm used to sharing with other people. I'm glad that it's enjoyable and interesting to read, though! And I do think you're right; writing and reading about horrific or disturbing things is a safe way to explore something you would never, ever want to experience in real life. It's tremendously healthy, in that way, I think. :)

And ahaha, yes! I kinda wanted to keep the mystical element as a bit of a twist, and I'm glad that it was successful! And hopefully not off-puttingly confusing. XD Yes, under normal circumstances, Kurt would never act the way he does in the first chapter. He's a firecracker, being tamped down and caged in by this horrible, horrible constraint. :( And I think that Dave... has practically convinced ( ... )


peddlestools June 26 2011, 02:51:51 UTC
poor karofsky :'(


emilianadarling June 29 2011, 08:13:30 UTC
It's a poor everyone situation, for sure. Thank you so much for reading!


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