- Harry Potter: Do you have any scars?
I have one on my back from my surgery.
- Hermione Granger: What is your favorite book, how many times have you read it, and why do you love it?
Well, I think I have to say Fahrenheit 451. I think it is what made me love banned books (and I do, I really do).
- Ron Weasley: Something you're afraid of?
Needles. I pass out when I try to donate blood, and by that I mean that I pass out before they even get the needle near me due to panic.
- Luna Lovegood: One thing that makes you different from everyone else.
I don't know. I like to think that I'm different, but I'm not sure what it is.
- Fred Weasley: Can you do any magic tricks? What is the best one you can do? If you can't do any, what's the best one you've seen?
No, I have no magic tricks other than tricking my kiddos.
- George Weasley: What is the best prank you've ever played on someone?
It would have to be the classic rubber band on the faucet sprayer.
- Neville Longbottom: Tell us an embarrassing story.
Well, I run into things a lot. I have apparently no idea the actual dimensions of myself, so I constantly sideswipe door frames and bouncing off of walls. That gets pretty embarrassing in stores and the like.
- Narcissa Malfoy: Do you have a good relationship with your family? Who are you closest to?
I have a great relationship with my mom's side of the family. We had a rough patch in college, but now we talk all the time. And I don't really interact at all with my father's side of things.
- Voldemort: If you were to create a Horcrux(s), what would it be and why?
Well, I think the obvious answer is some rock indistinguishable from all other rocks... but that is boring. I have a piano shaped music box from my grandma that would serve quite nicely.
- Bellatrix Lestrange: Have you ever loved someone who could never love you back?
Other than lust for celebrities, I don't think so. Well, obviously there are people who didn't love me back, but I wouldn't use the word couldn't.
- Ginny Weasley: Have you ever been in love with an unexpected person?
Oh sure, what's the point in falling in love with someone expected. Love itself is unexpected.
- Hedwig: If you went to Hogwarts, what kind of pet would you bring? (ex: cat, owl, rat, frog)
A cat would be nice for cuddling, but I can't imagine anyone wanting anything other than an owl, they are clearly the best.
- Draco Malfoy: Is it better to be feared or to be loved?
Loved, this is kind of a dumb question.
- Rubeus Hagrid: What is your favorite mystical creature?
Fairies. Or Faeries. Or the Fey. Or whichever pretentious way you choose to spell. They are awesome.
- Dolores Umbridge: Make a list of rules that your family (or whoever you choose) would have to follow if you made the rules.
Stealin from LadyL: 1. You cannot vote unless you can pass a quiz on the issues. Sorry. It's your responsibility to be informed. 2. Everyone must read, at least, one book a year. Magazines do not count. 3. All self serve check outs at the grocery store must be open at all times.
- Lucius Malfoy: What is your most prized possession?
I have a piano (that isn't in my 3rd floor apartment, but it certainly will be my prize possession, once I possess it.
- Molly Weasley: What is the proudest moment of your life?
No clue. I guess surviving the 'real world' at 19 with no money, no degree, and almost no contact with my family.
- Dobby: Who are you most loyal to?
My friends and family.
- Sirius Black: Have you ever been accused of doing something you didn't do?
Sure, I guess. I'm not sure what, but who hasn't?
- Argus Filch: What's the worst job you've ever had?
My very first nanny job involved a kid who threw a fit because he didn't want to go to bed. He threw all of the clothes out of his closet and removed the bar and started swinging it at me.
- Dudley Dursley: How many presents do you usually receive on your birthday?
Mostly cash anymore. Technology is expensive, so I usually collect and then purchase.
- Peter Pettigrew: Are you a leader or a follower?
Socially, I am a follower, but when things actually need to get done, I like to be in charge.
- Cedric Diggory: Have you ever had a near death experience?
Well, I flipped my car into a creek once. That was scary, but I walked away and only needed a single band aid on my hand. My nylons didn't even run. I think that is as close as I've gotten.
- Albus Dumbledore: What is the greatest obstacle you have ever overcome in your life?
The obstacle of me being an asshole and lying to my employers and not going to work and being completely broke.\
- Minerva McGonagall: What is your favorite spell?
Avis is pretty excellent. I mean who doesn't love birds?
- Severus Snape: Are you a trustworthy person?
I hope so.
- Remus Lupin: If you transform into any one animal or creature, which one would it be?
Maybe a centaur. Is that racist to consider them animals/creatures?
- Uncle Vernon: What is your favorite day of the week?
Saturday is the best! Though in terms of work days, M. has hip hop for an hour and a half on Fridays, so I just go to the bookstore and read.
- Mad Eye Moody: Who is the bravest person you know?
My mom, she had a life changing accident and kind of is just making the world her bitch now.
- Arthur Weasley: What do you think is the best "muggle" invention?
Synthetic organs and skin and vaccines, and all sorts of insane medical advancement. With the internet being a close second. It is kind of mind boggling that I am able to communicate and even see someone on the opposite of our planet with no perceptible delay.
- Professor Sprout: What is your favourite class that is offered at Hogwarts?
Charms would be the best, but man transfiguration is so freaking cool.
- Nymphadora Tonks: If you could change one thing about your appearance what would it be?
Definitely weight or skin. But seriously, those are both things I actually can change I am just too lazy to do so. Self, get on it!
- Moaning Myrtle: What is something that always makes you cry?
I get way too invested in television shows, and cry a lot. The show Parenthood always manages to bring me to tears. And when Buffy stabs Angel and sends him to Hell... Also Joyce's death.
- James Potter: Would you risk your life to save someone you truly love?
I'd like to think so, but can you really know. I am a Slytherin after all.
- Lily Potter: What color eyes do you have?
They change colors, blue, green, and grey.
- Professor Trelawney: Have you ever dreamt something was going to happen and then it happened?
Nope, at least I don't think so.
- Mr. Ollivander: What would your wand look like?
This is a rather personal question... but on Pottermore (if I remember how to sign in): 12 1/4 in, dogwood, unicorn core, surprisingly swishy.
- Lavender Brown: Who is the last person who texted and have you ever had a crush on them?
Aww, I love you, too, JD. And that is who my last text is from!
- Cho Chang: If you were on the Quidditch team, what position would you play?
Probably a beater.
- Aunt Petunia: What is your favorite flower?
Tulips and Tiger lilies.