Oct 05, 2009 22:19
Still reading A Tree Grows In Brooklyn and I have to say, this book is starting to stress me out about all things financial. I can't imagine growing up in a family where my parents reminded me that we were poor every ten seconds. Mind you, I don't come from a family with money, by any means, but I do remember a childhood where I seldom if ever worried that my family would make it. There were times, until very recently, that my family lived from one pay day to the next, but my parents did their best to at least keep those types of things out of our minds.
Francie had a very tough childhood. There were so many things going against her. She was poor, Irish, a girl, and although she was the older of the two children, her mother loved her brother more and made sure that he had every opportunity to succeed in life. Which more often than not meant that Francie got the short end of the stick. I suppose I identify with her at times, but I can't imagine being faced with the intense obstacles that she had to overcome in order to accomplish the simple task of growing up.
a tree grows in brooklyn