Work up to find this on CNN: I have the belief that it's not ok to speak ill of the deceased, but I just hope the media doesn't inundate this event with a ton of coverage. This is a person who, in addition to having the reputation as a racist and homophobe, had a significant role in the Convention for Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), drafted by the UN and noted as the "Bill of Rights for Women" not being ratified by the US Senate. It's been in limbo since the 70's and the US is the only Western nation NOT to have it ratified. Senator Helms was adamantly in opposition of it from my understanding and was in a position where this unfortunately had impact.
My condolences to anyone who loses a loved one. This individual, however, has received enough of the public spotlight for some very assanine things. Rather than focusing on his ignorance alone, we should be looking at the damage it did to our nation being a progressive entity for dignified compassion and protecting human rights.