(no subject)

Aug 16, 2006 17:20

Once again I reach a road block in order to do the Disney College Program.  I cannot do it as a co-op so now my only option at the moment is to attempt to get it approved through study abroad.

Hi Emily. Thank you for following up with me. After talking to my supervisor she has reinforced with me that the job of ride operator does not count for a co-op at this time. Even though there is some connection to the engineering major, it is not enough. If the Disney Program were to require the classes for professional development as part of your job, then I could reintroduce the concept. But as it is optional at this time, there isn’t that formal connection.

If you decide to go, you may want to try it for their two month summer program but the jobs are limited. If you go during the semester, I believe you will have to take a leave of absence for the time you are gone. If you do their second tier, then we should be able to work with you for a co-op experience and get you reinstated as a student.

If you learn of some other option I am not aware of, please let me know. Some students have received credit through other universities and transferred back in, to avoid the ‘leave of absence’ situation. I think ECSU and CCSU may be options you can pursue.

Good luck,

Sullen but still hopeful,

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