Oct 27, 2007 15:05
well, i'm fairly happy lately which is why i've seen no need to really post to LJ. usually if i am posting it's because i have something to whine about or something really really BIG has happened.
i love my job. honest to god, whenever i read any kind of dumb internet quiz thing that asks what your dream job would be i can't think of anything else right now. i get paid well to be a nanny and practice japanese.
i'm actually interested in school because i know what i want to study and because getting my associates at PCC i'm going to save a lot of money and also time, since i'll be taking only the much higher level classes when i transfer.
i'm pretty happy with my friends right now, being out of high school means i don't have to see certain people if i don't want to. huge bonus. and although a great deal of my close friends have moved away, i'm still in fairly good contact with them via the internet. Also Jennifer and Alyssa have stuck around which is fun. Things are a lot more relaxed now that there's not all this pressure to get along with all the people in school that you can't escape from.
i do miss derek a lot. but i'm very happy with how we treat each other. i was devastated, of course, at first but i realize that him leaving has nothing to do with us and if either one of us could do anything about it, we absolutely would. i'm starting to accept it and adjust to it and all of that.
so that's what's been going on in my life lately.
how about you?