Jan 30, 2005 14:03
So, I haven't updated in forever, since I still don't have internet in my apartment. Gah! This weekend, we (ScatterTones) went up to Bakersfield for a gig at Keith's high school. I thought it went pretty well overall, eventhough I was still a little rough on some of the newer songs. We stayed at Keith's house, and his family was so generous to us, and their house was beautiful, with a pool table and everything! Needless to say, those of us who stayed overnight had majorly good times, including staying up till 4am.
Other than that, life's pretty much just life at UCLA. It was nice going home last weekend, and squeezing in seeing a bunch of people and Raizin's show, and the Theatreworks show. But it's also nice to be back in my LA routine, even if it has changed a lot since last year.
Alright, I better make my way up to the Getty for my art history class (which is kind of kicking my butt). It's times like these that I really wish I had a car here. Oh well...