Jan 20, 2009 19:18
Hooray Inauguration!!!
I didn't get to watch it but i did hear at least most of the speech on the radio. I will find it online to watch very soon.
So I am currently watching Keith Olberman on MSNBC until Fringe is on at 8............. and he just said Rahm Emmanuel has ordered a halt to all the Bush era ... orders i guess?.. forgot the word.... but all the last stuff he was trying to get through has been halted until the new administration can review it. I literally said "YES" when i heard that. Though i really don't know what all of them are, and how many are good how many are bad, but I definitely like that idea.
I really hope we start to see some new things and some good changes that wil begin to turn around the economy and the nation in general. From the things I have read (mostly in Time magazine becuase i get it every week) there are a lot of very good ideas in there and a huge amoung of potential they can use. I have been watching the entire election so closely for a while now and I think i will keep that interest in politics too. I did read an article today that talked about the huge base of people Obama organized across the country for his campaign are there for him to use to really make things happen. Many of them have started their own community organizing and/or service groups and want to keep working towards the ideals they had during the campaign. I think that is just incredibly huge. I don't think we have ever seen anything like that from one leader and the potential that has to change the country and change the world. I really think that kind of stuff can change the world for the better. Maybe I am being an optimist but I see a possibility.
I really think this is a great day in history, and the start of a new time in history where we can make things better. Lets hope thats what this turns out to be.