Oct 13, 2005 01:14
After my day today I don't even know how to feel. Earlier it was amazing I found out this really cute guy in choir thinks I'm cute....crazy right???? But anyway, then I went home with the Co RA...I love my adopted family!!!! Then I came back because I am on duty. Amazingly enough, I have to come to find out that basically my half of the floor has no respect for one another or me...but hey that will be adjusted...of that we can be sure. There is no need for us to live like this. Anyway, I'm goin to bed now at 1 am, slightly earlier than normal...which i guess is a good thing. I guess we will find out tomorrow. Ugh voice lessons. But yes...I deleted my previous entry because I think that it was pointless no coherent rambling of a very confused girl. Anyway on that subject for those if anyone read it....I'm giving up on that and moving on, and not looking back. Jumping full speed ahead no regrets!!!
love Ash