Nov 13, 2006 15:20
I have cried more in the past 3 days than i have in the last 2 months! Why does this part of my life suck so much?
I went after stats and talked to my professor about how i forgot to sumbit the homework though i actually had already done it days before it was due...and his response was: "that was a terrible mistake you know" NO REALLY!? Thanks for telling me. Then he goes "well ill just remember you had actually done the work,but theres really nothing i can do at this point...." ummm great. So basically im fucked. He said that if he decides to let us drop a homework, that would be the one i'd drop....duh! So im waiting to hear if we're able to. But why would he tell me that, i mean nothing is helping me here!! I had a im sure im failing. Especially after the 2/10 i got on the quiz. Yep thats the worst ive done yet....i dont know whats going on i just really suck at math, i always have!! So i came home very discouraged and told justin what happened and cried. I just dont see why he cant himself take my homework and grade it....i showed it to him and pointed out that it was printed off Oct.30th but he didnt seem to care much. GOD. I really do not want to take this fucking class again, its so much torture even taking it once!!! And ive spent good money on having a tutor, i just dont want to see it all pissed away. I hate school.
I e-mailed my mom and told her everything, then i emailed my prof again and explained profusely how much of a hard worker i am and that it has never happened before....just all the stress of the past weeks has been making me crazy and i just simply forgot, i mean were all human! I mean fuck, i have proof i even did the work, i just didnt sumbit the answers online for grading. How dumb!? We'll see what he says after that one. I feel awful.
Much to my despise....i worked out at the gym around noon. I REALLY didnt want to go, pretty much the last thing i cared about but i went anyways. Did my cardio and sit ups and called it good. Wasnt in the mood to be around all those people. Today just really blows....nothing is going right. Im so upset that i have an exam wednesday, and my stats exam thursday which i can pretty much garuntee a fail.....i STILL am sooo confused with what we're doing it makes me sick. My totor probly thinks im the biggest moron ever....especially since he knows im a senior. Yeah- reeeeal great. Im scared to death of seeing a D on my transcipt under STATS. Wow i don tknow what i will do. Oh wait........take it again. Fuck.
Oh yea...tomorrows my 23rd birthday. Too bad i dont even care right now. I honestly havent even thought about what im doing cuz i have shit all day and night to do. Justin said not to worry about groceries for tomorrow night cuz he made us reservations today for tomorrow night i guess somewhere......i may just smile a little.