Aug 29, 2008 18:49
i feel so shitty now. i'm supposed to meet jessie, roc and ziwei for dinner at soup spoon and then walk the IT show, which imo, would be rather crowded and render it almost impossible to walk. you'd have to shuffle. and i've been flu-ing the entire afternoon. which is weird because i didn't have the flu in the day. must have been either the green tea or the cigarette smokes from people smoking on campus. STUPID PEOPLE. and one of these people used to be me - FREAK. so no more smokes for me now. my lungs and sensitive nose can't handle it. but i still do crave the occassional ones - but i've been smoke-free for hmm, 6 years? woots! yay for me. =)
school has been okay. tons of proj, tutorials and studying to do. which i have not started one single bit. maybe tonight. somehow, i can't stand doing work in the day. it's just like plain wrong. night works best for me. i'm at starbucks now, and it's ridiculously noisy. bloody people talking at deafening volumes, some band singing awfully bad outside and this couple of weirdly off-tune girls singing to their ipods in starbucks. not a good environment to be doing some thoughtful thinking.
yesterday, hongbin and i were on the way home from proj at great world city and i found a new vulgarity - BIRDDOG. it's supposed to be some core strengthening exercise good for getting abs, but it just sounds vulgar. maybe just my opinion on that. i need to get back to doing some abs work-out. too flabby now! and some arm training. flabs everywhere. i love my jeans now. it's making my thighs look reasonable and hiding all my scars. and my flu's getting better after buying a box of supremely expensive panadol flu meds. 5.40 SGD for a box. FREAK EXPENSIVE.
yes, you realise i like the word freak. have been saying alot of those these days. examples include FREAK SHIT, FREAKING ASSWIPE, FREAKING ASSHOLE, FREAK THIS, FREAK THAT, FREAK YOU. hahahaha. anymore suggestions. i've been trying to control myself and not mention the F**K word because friends have been mentioning that it's un-girly, un-glam and un-ladylike. uh, okay repetition there, but never mind. freak sounds a little vulgar too. but heck, at least it's better than F**K.
i need to buy a new ankle guard and i'm considering the nike one. it's 15.90 SGD. ard the same as those at watsons. i found one that's adjustable (my current one's loose) but it's whole freaking 36.90 SGD. not worth it for someone who has 5 second likes and dislikes. plus i want new flats. covered and shiny. no more peep-toes. my toe nails are freaking ugly. i peel them and tear them. if u get what i mean. it just looks all torn and uneven. and i'm so not into nail-polishes now.
today we had a missing group member who i felt wasn't getting her priorities right. she missed our grp meeting for an appt at the nsc. and the last time she didn't come was because she had an individual assignment to hand in the next day. to me, get your priorities right. if you have an assignment to hand in the next day, u shd have got it started ages ago / do it after the meeting and not let your own assignments get in the way of grp projects. i'd understand if it was something as important as a test. but individual assignment? no way - you settle it in your own time and not eat into the grp's time. and you don't tell your grp members abt ur doc's appt the night before the meeting. you shd be able to plan ur time well. FREAK SHIT.
i feel really screwed and shitty now, especially with the flu. panadol flu's not supposed to be drowsy but i feel abit off now. i hope i don't go round with a black face / shout to anybody who irritates me later. yes, i have that bad a temper. there's alot people don't know but yeah, temper's one thing i got to learn to control. and possibly my sarcasm. it gets out of hand on days i feel bitchy. which is these few days. and it's so definitely not pms. i don't pms. maybe because i let out my frustrations too easy that results in my bad temper. plus i need to learn to be gentle. sometimes i feel too out. like too over. which easily happens esp when i drink coffee. and sometimes i do stupid things and shoot my mouth off. BAD BAD.
oh, and i realised a lot of things this week, which i shall keep to myself. hmm.. i think people wld kill me if i said it here.
goals for next week:
one. get to school earlier, hopefully on time.
two. get my ankle guard.
three. remember my vitamins.
four. do my projects!
okay, got to head off. ciao. =)