okay, this is a good time to tell you how my classmates look. the nutty ones, of course. we've christened ourselves with various superhero names - power rangers, powerpuff girls, batman and the latest being justice league. so from left to right - joker, catwoman (yes, me.) and albert the butler. fyi, albert's batman's butler. but batman isn't in this picture. we basically took this for the market research project where the lecturer specifically requested a group photo to be handed in together with the form for our project. oh, and i have to tell you the story about albert being late. albert is always late for class. never on time. and everytime at least a good half hour late. but batman is always early to class and on time. so we concluded that albert can't wake up in time and batman has to come to school by bus while albert rushes here in a cab. batman so poor thing.
okay, proper introductions. left to right - hong bin (aka mr hong, bin bin, raymond), me, and zhiwei. so... ... oh wait. i forgot what i wanted to say. oh yes! mr hong! today's urban features batman. the other female character other than poison ivy was batgirl. haha. so yes, we have two other female characters to add on for joan and carlin (is that how you spell their names?).. so anyways, while taking the group photo today, the two nuttiest decided to take portraits to save so that the picture appears when the other calls. and we ended up with a monkey scratching fleas and hungry monkey.
so apt right! none of me cos we ended up in some evil villian fight in joker's attempt to erase them. btw, mr hong's the king of randomness and i'm the queen of nutty-ness. and zhiwei just can't stand the both of us. oh, and i think kenneth seriously thinks we're totally off in the mind. haha.. we're supposed to be extremely hardworking in class this semester cos the modules are like hardcore with projects in each and an exam that we cannot fail at the end (or you fail the entire module). and basically cos this sem's modules are not repeated every sem, only every alternate sem because of our one intake a year thing. okay, wrong sentence structure but i don't care. haha..
yay! cheerleading pictures! we had a performance at jurong country club. i remembered my stunts and didn't blank out! and after 2 years. it was still ok. plus, i performed with a somewhat wet skirt because my uniform didn't dry in time. anyways, i only mis-counted one stunt but it still went up. so terrific okay. hahaha.. and i got the dance right! woots! proves that there's minimal declination in my brain cells / memory work. i so miss cheerleading training. i miss sweating loads and smelling all smelly-poo-poo after that but it's the one exercise i thoroughly enjoy. i miss the crunches, the push-ups, the tosses, the adrenaline rush, the exhilaration. but i don't miss the heights still. i still can't stand looking at the floor during b-tosses. hope there's more coming up soon. i want to do routines! oh! plus, i still fit into my uniform! but with more room on the top. not good. proves that my boobs used to be bigger. haha. but hey, at least no expanding waistlines. got to remember to fix the zip though. it's cranky and keeps getting stuck. =P