Title: Chinen versus Nino (or, “Is he THAT cute.”)
Pairings: Ohmiya, general arashi member torture ai.
Genre: Crack?
Rating: G
Summary: i was in a good mood. very very random, hence this completely short and senseless crack drabble. Ohno goes on some variety show with Chinen; Nino goes ballistic and interrogates the rest of Arashi on the cuteness of Chinen.
“Nino. Breathe, you’re turning purple and it’s kinda scary.” Said a fairly amused Matsujun.
“Whoa boy. The veins are popping out on your head.” Commented Aiba after turning around on hearing Jun’s comment. He turns to Sho, hinting him to do something. Nino looked like he was about to explode. He stares at the TV intently.
Even more purple, even closer to explosion.
Sho stares back at Aiba, giving him a ‘what-am-I-supposed-to-do-look’. It wasn’t as if it was his fault that Nino’s beloved Oh-chan ended up on a variety show alone with Chinen Yuuri. Nino was staring at the said variety program, not blinking, not breathing and completely annoyed. Chinen was sitting next to Ohno and smiling SO brightly it lit up the entire screen.
Alternative Energy Source anyone?
Finally, Nino took a deep breath and spoke.
“Is he THAT cute?”
Arashi’s dressing room went completely silent. This was probably their cue to escape before any harm could befall them. This sort of question belonged in the same category as, Akanishi Jin’s ‘Am I fat?’ and Kamenashi Kazuya’s ‘Do you still love me?’
Basically, dangerous.
“Tell me.”
On a good day, Ninomiya Kazunari was pleasant as can be, a genuinely friendly and nice person. Today was not a good day. Today, he could put an irate Matsujun, Tanaka Koki and Nishikido Ryo combined to shame.
The other three members backed away.
“Well. Answer.”
No one moves, no one speaks.
Well. If this goes on, by tomorrow, Arashi would become a duo. No wait. There already is Ohmiya.
“You. Masaki. Answer.”
“Heh.Heh. Actually, yes. He is.” Sho stares in horror what Aiba has just said and hastily continues,
“But, he’s not as cute as you are, Nino. Never. You’re the cutest!”
“Isn’t that right, Jun?”
The usual DoS stares in horror as the Nino-mon turns his gaze on him.
“Yes. Of course. Nino is always the most kawaii. Who is Chinen compared to you? If you want, we’ll go take him on.”
Sho then thought, how nice of Jun to offer, but doesn’t he think that logically, they are outnumbered by Hey! Say! JUMP by two times? He wonders how he has managed to stick with these guys for a decade and not expire from sheer exasperation.