Aug 07, 2006 18:14
still on four hours of sleep and crack.
at work, dying. actually, not dying, b/c I've finished all of my work and have nothing to do, YAYAY, as work usually puts me to sleep anyways and I am only a nod away from nodding off. *nodnodn-snore*
where was I? oh yes, China. China is fabulous; there are beautiful people everywhere. of course there were ugly people everywhere too...actually, the amount of people, total, just increased exponentially, but. beauty. I know Chinese fashion is questionable, and I know that girls there think it's acceptable to wear white sneakers with silk dresses and I completely abhor the sudden popularity of the mullet, but nonetheless, it's refreshing to see young college students (of which there were TONS AND TONS since we within the university walls) strolling down hand and hand, the girls in light summer dresses and heels with pastel unbrellas and the boys with...well, with beautiful hair. (I think I judge people entirely too much on hair. but you must admit, hair is a very defining feature of the personality - a new hairstyle changes one's entire outlook on life, which is why girls cut there hair after a bad breakup.) anyways, this time I didn't get much of a chance to (I could have, but I would have been dragging people along with me unwillingly), but next time I go to China (slash if I ever get a chance to go by myself) I am going on an all out shopping's places like China where prices are cheap that make people love shopping. and my Chinese doesn't even have to improve (though it should.); we went to this one market where about 75% of the people were foreigners and the salespeople were all like failed UN translators or something, shouting all at the same time in a dozen different languages. the job market there is hella tough these days there, what with the multilinguality, basically if you only speak Chinese the only job left for you is selling sweetbuns on the streets. and even that is iffy- there are foreigners all over. it's like I were in America or something.
okay, so logically after fashion comes pop culture, HOMG I HEART CHINESE POP CULTURE(x1280728907258907897), the music, the dramas, sigh. we went out for karaoke twice- once with this cousin of mine who basically knows everything and everyone in the pop culture world, and once with the children (children being 20something year olds) of my mom's former classmates...I am convinced that Chinese singing is the prettiest music, ever. I mean, obviously there are some blantantly poor artists, and Chinese rap, though amusing, is mostly just a disgrace. but good Chinese music is BEAUTIFUL. sigh. and dramas...I really must get back to my roots.
now to more depressing things: Beijing's rapid modernization in preparation for the 2008 Olympics. I've already spoken about on of the effect: everyone in Beijing speaks English now. it's mandatory. half of the television ads are broadcasting some spectacular new method to learn English, faster! better! cheaper! but that's only the tip of the iceberg. hella old buildings are being torn down, with only the most famous and heavily protected being preserved, and by "preserved" I mean that they are changing the appearance of the Forbidden City. the FORBIDDEN CITY. wtf, I hope some Heavenly powers start smiting; I can't believe the Chinese people aren't revolting yet. it's b/c, with all of the excitement and bustle, we're losing touch with our ancestry, and Mulan taught us that ancestors are All Important.
(since this segment included music as a discussion topic, cpop pimpage is to follow shortly)