Nov 23, 2005 19:05
Im so in love... and now he knows it and it feels good to be loved in return.
Well, im gonna tell you all my little (well big) story. Because I have the most amazing boy in the world and I'm damn proud of it.
So it's my birthday tomorrow (thursday), so dan took me on an early birthday celebration since he moves house tomorrow and I've got Annie etc.
Yesterday morning I got into the car and on the seat was an envelope from dan. Inside was a key with a tag on it saying 'Remember when we first met...?'
Of course I did, the 30th of August 2003.
All day, I was killing myself with what the key was for and how when we first met could be apart of it...
I got home, walked into my room, and my bed was covered with rose petals and a chest in the middle. There was a code lock on it, which i entered '308' (30th of August) and it opened. Inside was an invitation saying something along the lines of, I will pick you up at 5, where whatever you want, 'i know you will look beautiful.'
At 5, he arrived at my doorstep, came inside and had to make a few phone calls... but I couldnt understand anything because he was speaking in french... thats right, FRENCH! *sigh* Then we got into his car and he was driving around my estate until he he drove to the park/river, the place we went on our first date. There was a trail of candles to the spot we went that night just under 9 months ago. At the end was a picnic rug and basket with Champagne and plates and glasses. We sat down and he pulled out some spaghetti (my favourite) which he said was cooked by his french friend (i think hes a chef).
Then he pulled out a little box, which he told me to open with the key. Inside, the box was full of buttons... random you may think. But this is one of the sweetest things. We were at harbour town one day, and there was a shop which had a bowl full of buttons, and me, being the random person i am, thought this was the coolest idea. You could sit for hours and look at a bowl of buttons all different colours shapes and sizes. And the fact that Dan had gone to all this trouble to find so many different and interesting buttons, was priceless.
It was just such an amazing romantic night.
It even started raining, so we had to go back to my house and continue it in my backyard... but it didnt even matter, the fact that he was there and he had done all this for me was just the most amazing feeling.
Yes, I'm the luckiest girl in the world.
If that wasn't enough, when we were saying goodnight, we saw a shooting star. What are the chances! It is meant to be...
And i leave with this thought...
To love a person is an amazing feeling, but to be loved in return is priceless.