Stupid brain! Turn off, turn off your incessant babblinginess!!1!1!11!!!!!111!!!!five!!11
Feeling very cranky today. Oh yes. Very very cranky.
Inked stuff almost all day. Unsurprisingly, didn't get very far. Ahahahaa. ADHD love.
Some silly pics for all of you. LJ cuts are beyond me, so bwahahahahahaha.
Stolen from LJ user Normallife. Go see her stuff. I hope it's Normallife.
It made me think of Ellie. <3
Nowadays, I look more like this than anything else:
I'm preshus.
See my in progress gayness.
oh yeah. super gay.
This shows my undying love for Ellie and other people.
By other people, I mean eskimos. <3
The end for now. I think I'll post stuff here for now instead of DevArt. MAYBE. Its more fun here. AHAHAHAHAHAHAH. yeah. Plus, ellieness can comment.
<3 fuckers