transferable headaches

Oct 19, 2008 14:10

I really need to make an appointment at Kaiser because these migraines are getting ridiculous again. One a week is better than the 4-6 I WAS having but yeah, it's still one a week, even if the last two weeks I've been able to sort of work through them (like right this second where I am able to type and not just lay in a pitch black, noiseless room with ice on my head. It's the small victories. Plus I'm out of AUGH BRAIN meds so. Yeah. Doctor.

I also need to work out what the sweet hell I am doing with my arpee. I'm filling out this gigantic meme thing [no really, 98 questions or something, most of them with multiple questions. I am crazy.] for Allison and intend to do the same for Allistar. They are honestly my most developed characters, possibly ever. Which is kind of scary.

I'm also doing the same meme for Addison in my spare time, seeing if I want to make her a playable character. While I waffle again on playing Miguel. I need to look over my notes because I think I scribbled down a question for him to ask. I know I scribbled one down for Allison but I tend to ask stuff on weekdays when I know I can get replies.

Also want to work on Bullets At The End because I've been lazy. I miss Tish and I's arpee like whoa. I feel like I'm losing the characters a little because it's been for fucking ever. So maybe if i work on BatE I'll get back into things.


• Call doctor, make appointment
• Work on Allison meme
• Work on Addison stuff
• Sort out who's going where and doing what. again. For the millionth time
• BatE

Hi, I ramble a lot. I also am not not not not going to write any fic. I'm not. I'm so not. GET THEE HENCE VAMPIRE BECKETT.

Ps. I feel I must mention that Allison, Lucas, E, and Alex are the cutest ever, IC or OOC. Seriously, guys. Allison's memory entries fill me with glee.

i r fandom h0r, i like bulleted lists, arpee related, allison ramblings, bandom by proxy, allistar ramblings

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