Sketch Fest Wrap-up

Aug 18, 2010 09:27

Thank you, everyone, for joining us for the fifth Sketch Fest!

We ended up just shy of 200 sketches and just shy of 100 prompts, with about 30 artists participating. The (optional!) registration and logins at the webpage seemed to work, and the email alerts artist pages were a welcome addition.

A gigantic thanks to the folks who donated their artwork, or bought it, or who donated to the webpage! Our lovely sponsors for this round were Lindsay Nucera, Syvlia, Erich, Lisa Cree, Jenny Heidewald, Aaron Pocock, Katerina Koukiotis, Julia Ruane-Smith, Anke Wehner and Ellen Million!

I've got enough donations to do the following improvements:

~A method for preventing file overwrites. This is a minor but nagging problem I'd like to take care of.

~A standardized browsing header on each page. (So you can get to the wall, the prompts, etc, from every page)

~Artist pages will also show your claimed prompts.

~Back and forward buttons so you can browse through the artwork more intuitively.

~A bigger comment box.

Sorting the wall by artists, by prompts and by other things is a rather larger task. (Donate, or buy art, if you'd like to see this happen before next month!) Likewise on sorting prompts, though I do at least have some wheels spinning on that idea now...

Donate to get more spiffy features:
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