Hey everyone!
I am emetophobia survivor. Took me many years but I consider myself to be a success story, at least for the most part. I know I'm human and relapse every now and then but I feel like I'm 90% better than where I started.
I have general anxiety disorder which stemmed from my emetophobia, especially from my childhood,
So now on to my wisdom teeth. I put off getting them removed for 10 years and took the wait-and-see approach. Well, I reached my point, because two of them have ruptured the gum and the pain is horrific. I have a consultation appointment at the end of this month and hope to have them removed shortly after.
But now I don't think I can wait that long. The pain is draining on my system.
With that said, I know that many of you have had your wisdom teeth removed - but I also know that everyone is different, and our experiences will all not be the same.
I wanted to share my fears over the procedure and get a 'sanity check' of sorts, because I've been very anxious.
-Waking up in middle of procedure and gagging - I have a very sensative gag reflex
-Having a panic attack and gagging - for some reason, my panic attacks lead to retching and dry heaving...not the most comfortable experience but it shakes me up pretty bad.
-Not waking up from it.
-Getting nauseous while they administer the IV sedation and I get sick there
-Dying during the procedure
-Getting sick after the procedure..in front of everyone.
-Embarrassing myself
-Having my anxiety fight the IV sedation.
I don't have a problem taking anti anxiety medication but I worry about it making me feel worse or nauseous. Paxil does nothing for me and makes me feel worse. I've never taken anything else, not even Valium.
I don't like feeling loopy or lightheaded..makes me feel dizzy and thus more anxious.
I honestly, don't have a problem getting sick but I really prefer it be in my own home.
Thanks for your support!