Stupid cheap motel

Dec 16, 2005 14:42

Tricky bastards. Just checked online about my particular motel and there was a little thing that said there was a data port in the room. I was like, "Sweet! I can bring my laptop and not lose contact with the goings on." I called to confirm my reservation for this evening and make sure that I had a non-smoking room. While on the phone with the guy I asked about the data port. Silly me for thinking that it was a HIGH SPEED data port. Nope. As the guy I talked to said, "I'm sorry, but it's really only an extra jack on the back of the phone. You have to have your own phone cable and dial-up account." He seemed to be completely tired of answering that particular question and/or dealing with pissed off businessmen who expected high speed access. In this day and age, the least they could do is a wi-fi connection. Not that expensive for cripes sake. Ugh.

I didn't choose this motel (6 - ugh). I would have at least chosen like a Mariott Courtyard or something. I have a certain standard, you know. At least this is one of those Motel 6s that have the doors to the rooms on the INSIDE. I love my friends, and it was really nice of them to reserve a chunk of rooms for us at a cheap rate in a motel 2 miles from their place but... ugh. Motel.

It's times like this that I wish I was richer and could fly to DFW, rent a car, and then stay in an actual hotel. Damn poorness.


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