Jul 17, 2012 20:06

Another 97 on my exam! Missed 2 out of 60. After the mess on Friday, the prof emailed us and said that she'd extend the test until Monday (and the email made it very clear that she was doing us a favor by extending it, like she hadn't messed up in the first place). So that's what I did. I had to fight a massive thunderstorm to get there - as I parked at the school, a lightning hit close enough that the thunder set off most of the car alarms in the lot. Needless to say, I hurried into the building faster than I normally would. The total time for taking the test I think was maybe 15 minutes. It was a lot easier than I thought. Which just goes to show that I was experiencing normal irrational test anxiety. However, that anxiety spurred me to review hard enough that I had no problems, so there is a plus side.

Besides that, I'm just trying to  get my body to cooperate with me. All this rain is enjoyable, but it makes me hurt like hell. Which gets in the way of studying because my two main weather bones are my right wrist (there's a bone fragment in there) and the tip of my middle finger on my right hand (the only bone I've ever broken, interestingly). It would take some of the pressure off if I could type out my study materials, but it just goes in my eyes and out my fingers and doesn't stick in my brain unless I hand-write everything. *sigh*

My friend Marianne had her baby last Thursday! In the photo her husband took of her and her new boy the day after, she looked beautiful, even with no makeup and having just had a baby 24 hours earlier. Now it's Megan's turn in August, and I'll get to see her since her hospital is about 20 minutes from my house. :D I love newborns - one of my favorite jobs ever was taking pictures of newborns in the hospital (but it was by commission and I can't sell stuff at all). Seeing all the babies and happy families was amazing. *warmfuzzies*

Back to the grindstone.

professor, babies, megan, weather, school, marianne

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