Apr 24, 2012 18:56
Sis definitely has pneumonia. They've put her on two antibiotics to cover all the bases. The ER doc did want to admit her, but since we're at a hoity-toity hospital and not the county, they're refusing to admit her unless she signs a payment plan. Ridiculous. They actually suggested that Mom drive her down to the county hospital herself, because the hospital wouldn't even let her be transferred via ambulance. Fucking greedy bastards. Less money spent on unused valet services and mosaic marble inlays and some spent to take care of charity cases would be such a better use of funds. Obviously, the people at this nearby hospital have NO CLUE what it's like to be at the county hospital: people packed into the ER like sardines (literally 3 beds crammed into what should be a space for one), overworked doctors, germs floating around like crazy (I went to the hospital twice, once for an intestinal bug and another for a head injury. Both times I ended up with bad bronchitis just from staying in the ER), and wait times for even important patients that stretch into hours. That's NOT somewhere you want to go unless you have absolutely no other choice. Besides, it's almost an hour drive from our house and she was having trouble breathing. If we had called the EMS, they would have brought her to this hospital, not the county one downtown. So why is it wrong for us to drive up ourselves? After Sis is done with the transfusions and whatever else, they're going to just discharge her home. This is so screwed up and why there needs to be something done about healthcare in the country.
The ER doc is being awesome, however, and giving Sis a transfusion in the ER instead. She also sent by an infectious disease doc to make sure Sis was getting the right medications. The last time she had pneumonia (the one where they removed part of her lung) she also had MRSA, which was why she almost died - none of the antibiotics given were effective.
I finally gave up and drove home at about 3. I couldn't believe it was already that late when I got in the car. I fell into a light sleep for about an hour-and-a-half before being unable to fall back asleep. Now I'm just waiting for word from Mom telling me to come pick them up.