You know what?

Jan 12, 2012 21:05

It's seriously difficult to find a "winter" icon out there that doesn't include snow. How does one convey winter in a picture without snow, really? Without some kind of text, "Brr" or "winter!" for example, it seems really difficult.

However, IT'S REALLY FREAKING COLD. Well, okay. Cold to me. Which means highs in the 40s and lows in the low 30s-upper 20s. Enough that I wear socks, pants, and long sleeves to sleep, and actually let Mom and Sis turn up the thermostat to 71 (which, on any other day makes my room like an oven). (Hot, unmoving air = claustrophobia.)

Tomorrow when I wake up, it's only going to be about 35°, though it's supposed to hit a high of 55° sometime tomorrow afternoon. Which is good. Because I'm COLD.

I took Sis to the clinic to see Dr. Hall today. He told her that she's got a 75% chance of having celiac - the disease where you have to eat gluten-free everything - and also has a hiatal hernia (where a bit of your stomach sits above your diaphragm, which causes reflux and other issues). So she'll most likely have to go gluten-free AND get gastrointestinal surgery this year. On top of her most likely getting her tonsils taken out this year, too -- for reasons that are gross enough that I don't even like thinking about it, and I don't gross out easily. Poor Sis. She has so many screwed up things with her body. Actually makes me feel like I should be more functional, considering. However, at the moment, most of my stuff is mental that then affects the physical. Gotta love psychosomatic illnesses. However, unlike the more common (and incorrect) usage, it really just implies that my mental state affects my physical one. Not that I'm consciously thinking myself into sickness. That's different and much worse. But I have to say, trying to sort out what's really wrong with my body from physical processes, and what's wrong with my body that's mainly due to my unconscious is seriously tricky.

Also also: I did it. I got my transcript sent to Lonestar from Austin Community College. However, since Lonestar only received it on Wednesday, I figured it would be WAY too late to get into a class and get financial aid. So I'm looking to summer to start things. I talked to this really nice adviser over the phone, since I didn't want to have to go in if I didn't need to (Oh, did I mention I slipped and sprained my tailbone on the tile in the kitchen thanks to a water spill by Cole? Yeah. Sprained my tailbone.), and she said that even before any of that, I would need to retake their placement tests - fine - and take English Comp I again - okay, whatever. Neither of those are a problem, I'm just annoyed that there's going to be another semester stall before I can get going on the classes I need to get my certificate in medical billing/coding that I will then use to get the fuck out of this house and start having a goddamn life again. Ahem. Sorry about that. Anyway, at least there's a start there, and I have A PLAN (*gasp*) now. I'm adopting the immortal words of Bob from the movie What About Bob : Baby Steps.

ETA: Did you know that my Chrome spell-check thinks that by typing "hiatal" I'm actually going for "shiatsu?" I don't think so, but thanks for trying anyway, Chrome.

weather, school, brr, sis, cold, health

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