
Jun 28, 2011 19:59

 Had a HUGE fight with Sis yesterday. It's not even worth explaining, really, because the explanation makes me sound selfish and petty (and in full-on borderline mode, which I was). It still left me feeling used, yet useless at the same time. Now I'm wallowing in a depression I haven't felt in a while. Just completely listless and 100% apathetic. I'm also incredibly irritable, and little tiny things like my sheets bunching underneath my legs in a way that's uncomfortable is making me want to scream.

I summoned up enough energy to ask Mom for money to go get some more yarn so I can knit, but I spent the rest of the money I HAD had on Facebook credits for a stupid game. That's the big indicator that something's wrong, more so than the irritability and isolation. I have to delete my damn card info so that I can't do that anymore. 

depression, facebook, knitting, sis, fights

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